Barony of Rivenoak
Located in Glenn and N. Butte Counties, California. Contains populace awards list, photos, officer list, map of Cynagua, and contact information.
Cynaguan Arts & Sciences Homepage
Contains calendars of competitions for the Principality and Kingdom, contact information for the Arts and Sciences Officers, and a database of past competitions.
Cynaguan Culinary Guild
Contains recipe of the month, archive, contact information, and a link to the guild email list.
Cynaguan Marshallate Homepage
Contains West Kingdom combat standards, marshallate forms, and links to combat, weapon, and armor pages.
Household: Darkclaw
Large, family-oriented service household. Bylaws, membership rules, history, gallery, Panther's Pride war unit information.
Household: Silver d'Or
A small, service oriented household. Arts and Sciences pages, viking apron dress information, guestbook, member information. Also contains information on Clan Insanium.
Household: Silver Oak
Small household based in the Shire of Vakkerfjell. Photo gallery, music, armory, fantasy roleplaying.
Household: Tuatha De Mysticus
A small household based in Sacramento and Galt. List of household members, contact information, and event information.
Province of Golden Rivers
Located in Sacramento, California. The 'Open Forum' section has articles on volunteering, poetry, humor, and some recipes. Many pages of newcomer information.
Province of Silver Desert
Located in Washoe County, Nevada. The chatelaine's section has newcomer information with customs and a glossary. There is also an officer list, events calendar, pictures, recipes, and links.
Shire of Bestwode
Located in Redding, California. AKA Bestwodeschire. Contains calendar of events, officer directory, picture gallery, and local guild information.
Shire of Betony Woods
Northern part of the Sacramento Valley, California. Contains pictures, officer list, and links.
Shire of Champclair
Located in Solano County, California. Contains calendar of events, officer list, fighter practice and meeting information.
Shire of Mont d'Or
Located in Nevada County (Auburn/Grass Valley), California. Has general information on the group, local contact information, and some links.