al-Barran (Barony)
Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Event flyer archive, mailing list, activity schedule, many maps, officers, local champions, local awards with scroll texts. Links to: newcomer's guide, baronial devices and badges.
Barony of Caerthe
Located in Denver, Colorado. Option: low or high graphics (latter uses frames). Officers and announcements, official forms (PDF), activity schedule, guild workshop schedule, literature links, link to message board.
Canton of Hawks Hollow
Located in Northglenn, Colorado (north suburban Denver). Newcomer information, announcements, officers, job descriptions, event calendar, meeting schedule. Uses frames.
College of Blaiddwyn
Located at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Newcomer information, officers, mailing list, activity schedule, maps, archives: demos, event flyers, newsletters.
College of Scola Metallorum (Incip.)
Located at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. Activity schedule, officers, loaner gear. Uses frames.
College of St. Golias
Located at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and in Socorro and Catron counties. Officers, last update in 1998.
Dragonsspine (Barony)
Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Contains event calendar, officer regnum, photo gallery, officer pages, and announcements.
Guild of Brewers and Spirit Makers
Purpose and history of the guild, charter, bylaws, members, recipes and tips for beginners.
Kingdom of the Outlands
Landed baronage, officers, event calendar, guilds, kingdom history trivia, mailing lists. Links to official documents, law, combat section, arts and sciences and officer handbooks.
Lyssa's Dragonsspine Page
Event calendar, guilds, activity schedule, local champions, officers, local awards and charters, populace, archer roster and scores; local history: awards listing, badges of local awards; historical and SCA games, children's games, autocrat's handbook, how to run a list, how to write A&S documentation, martial arts links, FAQ, mailing lists.
Outlands Archer General
Mailing lists, scores, reports, forms, marshal qualification test, roster, award recipients, combat archery articles, target archery handbook, reference links, e-mail contacts.
Outlands College of Heralds
Armorial, articles, award recipients, order of precedence, award ranks, order of march, populace, past royalty, registered armory, forms, ceremony texts, handbook, mailing lists, e-mail contacts.
Outlands Kingdom Seneschal
Forms, handbooks, laws, mailing list for local seneschals, e-mail contacts.
Outlands Virtual Library
Kingdom map and collection of laws, policies and handbooks.
Shire of Aarquelle
Located in Pueblo, Colorado. Officers, activity schedule, article on SCA armor.
Shire of Caer Galen
Located in Boulder county of Colorado. Newcomer info, officers, job descriptions, guild workshop schedule, mailing list, articles (costuming trivia, history of the table fork); graphics, links (costuming, scribal arts, combat).
Shire of El Rio de las Animas Perdidas (Incip.)
Located in Durango, Colorado. Officers, activity schedule. (The name means River of Lost Souls.)
Shire of Fontaine dans Sable
Located in Farmington, New Mexico. List of officers and activity schedule.
Shire of Scorpions Hollow
Located in Clovis and Portales, New Mexico. Officers, activity schedule, mailing list.
Shire of Windkeep
Located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Includes community, activity and event information.