Barony of Aneala
Located in Perth, Australia. Contains a calendar of events, list of officers, rogues gallery, and a page of links.
Barony of Innilgard
Located in Adelaide, South Australia. Newcomer info, populace pictures, notes on past and future events, activity schedule, feast recipes, officers, links (newcomer, garb, manuscripts, A+S, combat, research); archery scores, tourney results, local awards and recipients.
Barony of Politarchoplis
Located in Canberra, Australia. Contains upcoming events and activities, on-line newsletter, newcomer information, regnum, and gallery of photographs.
Barony of River Haven
Located in southeast Queensland, Australia. Contains events calendar, newcomer's handbook, and image archive. There is information on Arts and Sciences competitions, embroidery, garb creation, and all types of medieval combat.
Barony of Rowany
Located in Sydney, Australia. Contains a list of baronial award holders, the "Folia Roani" (newsletter), meeting/event dates, regnum, and a beginners' handbook.
Barony of Southron Gaard
Located in Christchurch, New Zealand. Activity calendar, pictures, history, officers, guilds, households, newcomer info, maps to event sites.
Barony of Stormhold
Located in Melbourne, Australia. Contains arts and crafts information, archive of past Stormscrolls, meeting and event dates, and local contact information.
Barony of Ynys Fawr
Located in Tasmania, Australia. Contains arts and sciences articles and links, calendar of events, picture gallery, list of officers with contact information, and a song book section.
Canton of Bacchus Wood
Located in south Brisbane, Australia. Officers, pictures, reeve's page, persona bios, articles and links (needlework, disguising modern things when camping, illumination, woodwork and metalwork).
Canton of Krae Glas
Locatedt in the South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne (part of the Barony of Stormhold). Contains an officer list, calendar of events, area maps, and a links page.
Canton of Stowe on the Wowld
Located in Western Sydney, Australia (part of the Barony of Rowany). Contains regnum, calendar of events, newsletter archive, order of precedence.
College of Blessed Herman the Cripple
Located at University of Adelaide, Australia (within the borders of the Barony of Innilgard). Contains officer list and upcoming events.
College of Saint Ursula
Located at the Sydney University, Australia (within the borders of the Barony of Rowany). Contains list of weekly activities; links on combat, food, music, games; and a regnum.
College of St. Aldhelm
Located at the Australian National University (part of the Barony of Politarchopolis). Contains event list, humour pages, officer roll, combat information, and A+S pages.
College of St. Malachy
Located at the University of Wollongong (NSW, Australia), within the boundaries of the Shire of Agaricus. Contains regnum and local calendar of events.
College of St. Monica
Located at Monash University (part of the Barony of Stormhold). Contains an officer list, a picture gallery, contact information, and local event information.
College of St.Gildas the Wise
Located at Tasmania University (part of the Barony of Ynys Fawr). Contains a regnum, contact information, and event information.
Incipient Shire of Borders Crossing
Located in the Albury-Wodonga region. Contains local activity information, regnum, photo album, and links.
Kingdom of Lochac
Covers all of Australia. Contains Arts and Sciences pages, calendar of events, locality guide, order of precedence, regnum, photo album, and the annotated law book.
Shire of Agaricus
Located in southwest Sydney, Australia. Contains local information, regnum, calendar of events, and many links.
Shire of Arrowsreach
Located in Melbourne, Australia. Contains meeting and event calendars, a photo gallery, officer list, newsletter, and links.
Shire of Dismal Fogs
Located in the Blue Mountains (NSW, Australia). Contains local information, contacts, directions to the shire, and a large page of links.
Shire of Saint Florian de la Riviere
Located in south Brisbane, Australia. Contains information and pictures about the populace, as well as links about food, music, dance, chivalry, and costuming. Also home to HeyNonnyNonnymous, a madrigal singing group.