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Apollonia Voss
Medieval jewelry portfolio, instructions and resources. Member of Black Dragon Company.
Barony of An Dubhaigeainn
Located in Suffolk County, New York. Contains calendar, officer list, announcements, and links.
Barony of Settmour Swamp
Covers north-central New Jersey. Newcomer information, activity schedule, officers, populace. Baronial territory (towns and ZIP Codes).
Black Dragon Company
Dark Horde mercenaries. Member pages with pictures, links (Celtic, Mongol, Viking, A+S, trebuchet, women's interest, humorous); articles.
Canton of Gryphonwald
Located in Middlesex county of New Jersey. Travel guide theme. Links to guilds, officers, events. Other links (merchants, archery scores).
Canton of Marwick
Located in Union county of New Jersey. Officers, meetings, newsletter.
Crown Province of Østgarðr
Located in New York City. Calendar database, activity schedule, news, newcomer info, local trivia, 'this month in history', area concerts, shows, museum exhibits of interest to SCA; newsletter articles, officers, populace (pictures, devices, links). Uses frames.
Settmour Swamp's newsletter. Selected artwork and articles. Uses frames. On same server: a scrapbook for the barony (pictures going back to 1991).
Shire of Hartshorn-dale
Website of the SCA group serving Chester and Montgomery Counties in Pennsylvania; member information and events schedule.
Shire of Owl's Reste
Located in York County, Pennsylvania. Calendar, officers, newsletter.