Barony March of Mons Tonitrus
Located in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Activity calendar, meetings, practices, maps, officers, local champions; articles about heraldry and Arts and Sciences.
Barony of Atenveldt
Located in central metro Phoenix, Arizona. Practices, meetings, map, officers, guilds, local awards and recipients, event calendar, local champions, households, marshals section with monthly tournament schedule.
Barony of Ered Sul
Located in Flagstaff, Williams and the Grand Canyon area, Arizona. Contact information for court and officers, calendar of events, photos, fighter practice information and Arts and Sciences classes.
Barony of Sun Dragon
Located in west metro Phoenix, Arizona. List of officers, activity calendar, meetings, practice times and maps, photos.
Barony of Tir Ysgithr
Located in Tucson, Arizona. Officers, guilds, households, announcements, activities, meetings, practices, newsletter archives and message board.
Barony of Twin Moons
Located in east metro Phoenix, Arizona. Meetings, practices, maps, officers, local champions, events calendar, handbooks, Arts and Sciences class schedule, combat page and pictures.
College of Brymstonne
Located at Arizona State University, Tempe. Event descriptions, officers and contacts.
College of St. Felix
Located at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Officer contact information, list of members, calendar of events, dance class times and place.
College of St. Vladimir
Located at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. List of officers, contact information, club constitution.
House Leuwenberg
Martial household in Tyr Ysgithr. Members, event schedule, pictures and information about the annual Crystal Flute Bardic Competition, awarded at Estrella.
House of Schadenfreude
A Household based out of Mesa, Arizona. Includes household charter, pictures, calendar of events, and links. Uses java.
House Papillon
Household in the Barony of Tojir. Contacts and message board.
Household: Duchy of the Black Rose
Based in Atenveldt, but includes members throughout the known world. Site contains Member list, update information, and links.
Hus Langskipp
Service-oriented arts and sciences Viking household based in the Barony of Atenveldt. History, member roster, photos, stories, craft articles, photos and diagrams, message board and chatroom.
Kingdom of Atenveldt
Official Kingdom site. Contains articles, local group information, forms, calendar of events, Regnum, laws and traditions, and a photo gallery.
Knights of St. Michael
Templar-style order. Includes history, roster, photos and information about the Crusades.
Longhouse of the Screeching Vole
Viking household based in the Kindom of Atenveldt, Barony of Tir Ysgithr. Site contains member information, photos, links, and contact information.
Shire of Granholme
Located in Casa Grande Arizona. Calendar of events, list of officers, fighter practice and meeting information, heraldry, newsletter and maps.
Shire of Granite Mountain
Located in Prescott, Arizona. Activity calendar database, meetings, practices, officers, events and pictures.
Shire of Hawk's Rest (Incip.)
Located in Meadview, Arizona. Officer contacts, photos and newsletter.
Shire of Londinium (Incip.)
Located at Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Newsletter, meetings, events, calendar and list of officers.
Shire of WinDale
Located in Kingman, Arizona. Contains officer list, photos, calendar of events, archive of Sheherezade (newsletter), guild information, and links.
Staghold Webhall
Class schedules, event news and photos, birthdays, biographies, downloadable period fonts.
Unofficial Atenveldt
Encompassing the state of Arizona. Royalty, court and officers, groups, guilds, households, mailing list and event calendar.