english deutsch
Central Region
Ansteorra's Central Region, Barony of Elfsea, Barony of the Steppes, Canton of Dragonsfire Tor, Canton of Lindenwood, Canton of Loch Ruadh, College of Three Bridges (Incip.), Glaslyn (Canton), Shire of Emerald Keep, Shire of Rosenfeld
Coastal Region
Barony of Bordermarch, Barony of Loch Soilleir, Barony of the Stargate, Canton of Gates Edge, Canton of Westgate, Casa de Torre de los Brazos, Coastal Region of the Kingdom of Ansteorra, Graywood (Shire), Shire of Seawinds
Northern Region
Barony of Namron, Barony of Northkeep, Barony of the Eldern Hills, Barony of Wiesenfeuer, Canton of Rundel, Northern Region, Ansteorra, Shire of Brad Leah, Shire of Mooneschadowe, Shire of the Wastelands, Stronghold of Falconridge
Southern Region
Barony of Bjornsborg, Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Barony of Raven's Fort, Shire of Ffynnon Gath, Shire of Tempio, Shire of the Shadowlands, Southern Region of the Kingdom of Ansteorra, The Shire of Middleford
Western Region
Barony of Bonwicke, Shire of Adlersruhe, Shire Of Blacklake, Shire of Crossrode Keep, Shire of Mendersham, Shire of Trelac, The Western Region of Ansteorra
Black Company
Chronicles of this household, list of members, past and present, photos, newsletter, songs, poems and stories.
Complete Participant's Handbook
Rules and regulations for all SCA combat-related activity in the kingdom.
Galen of Bristol
Persona story, The Knightly Knotebook, Screwtape's SCA Letters (a look at the SCA through the eyes of C.S. Lewis's famous devil, Screwtape), a collection of Elizabethan sonnets (Sonnets from the Ansteorran).
House of Sweinbrothar
Description of Swein Camp.
House Wolfstar
History and activities of this mercenary group. Includes newsletter and Gulf War information.
Kingdom of Ansteorra
Covers Oklahoma and most of Texas. Has operational handbooks, report and waiver forms, mailing list archives available via FTP.
Kingdom of Ansteorra - College of Heralds
Document archives (letters of intent, letters of comment, responses to comments, letters of correction); order of precedence, submission forms.
Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood
Resides in Canton of Loch Ruadh (Fort Worth, TX). Includes articles on archery, soapmaking, recipes, costuming, Gulf War XI photos, and persona story.