101st Airborne, 1st BN, "B" Co, 502 PIR
Seeks to honor through accurate portrayal and living history activities the fighting men of the 101st Airborne. Events, photos, member profiles, membership information, uniforms, and related links.
10th Mountain Division
Recreating the ski troops of the US Army, the last unit to be committed to the European Theater of Operations. Artifact research and equipment information.
1st Infantry Division
UK based group portraying US Infantry involved in the D-Day landings. Includes unit history, historic interviews, modern and period photos, vehicles, info on uniforms and kit.
26th Infantry Division
A group located in the northeast of the USA re-living the history of the "Yankee Division", credited with campaigns in Northern France, the Rhineland, the Ardennes-Alsace, and in Central Europe. Unit histories, photos.
29th Infantry Division
A reenactment group with members mainly from the states from which the original unit drew its personnel (US east coast). Includes unit history, events calendar, uniforms and equipment requirements.
29th Infantry Division
A French reenactment unit recreating a US Army outfit. Includes a complete history of the unit (complete with WWI and the inter-war period), events calendar and a photo gallery.
29th Infantry Division UK
A fast growing re-enactment group based in the UK. Extensive information about U.S.Army and the portrayed unit.
2nd Ranger Battalion
Dedicated for over 20 years to preserving history through the collection and presentation of WWII-era uniforms, equipment, and vehicles.
33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors
A group of reenactors recreating the life and times of soldiers belonging to the American Signal Corps. Unit photos and updates.
3rd Infantry Division
Recreating Company K, 15th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, this group offers a brief history of the Division, information for both members and non-members, including an article on the M1 Garand Rifle.
45th Infantry Division
This group honours veterans who served in the 45th Infantry Division during World War II, and sponsors a BSA Venturing Crew for youth members.
51st Again!
A US-based reenactment group portraying the 51st Engineer Combat Battalion.
83rd Infantry Division
Recreating "The Thunderbolts", which fought throughout the northwest of Europe from the hedgerows of Normandy to the Elbe. Includes clothing and equipment information and a veteran's account of the unit history.
9th Infantry Division, 47th Infantry Regiment
This group recreates the life of the U.S. infantrymen as he served in Europe during World War II. Includes interesting veterans' stories and a discussion board.
Easy-Company 2, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment
A living history unit portraying 101st Airborne Division troopers of World War II. Includes veteran photos and information, events and equipment information.
First Special Service Force Living History Group
A living history group based in the North East US and Canada, dedicated to accurately potraying the "Devil's Brigade", FSSF. Site includes unit history, events calendar, unit photos, uniform requirements, and "after-action" reports.
H Company 505th Parachute Infantry
Group dedicated to preserving and publicizing the history of the war through collection of artifacts, public education, and historical reenacting. History, event schedule, board of directors, related links, and membership information.
Railsplitters: The 84th Infantry Division
Infantry heavy weapons company involved in historical research, reenactments, parades, and airshows. Events calendar, uniform details, bibliography, photos, and related links.
The China Marines
The unit portrays 23rd Marine Regiment and specializes in both field and garrison impressions, emphasizing training, living history and tactical situations.
The Replicaters
Reproduction uniforms, webbing, insignia and gear for Allied and Axis armed forces.
Troop A, 121st Recon Squadron, 106th Cavalry
Ohio based unit concentrating on the role of cavalry in the war. SOP, uniforms and equipment, event schedule, history, and membership information.
US Marine Corps Living History Unit
Based in Virginia. Includes background information on the group as well as the Marines, events calendar, equipment list and events photographs archive.
USAAF Living History Group
The USAAF Living History Group is a living history - reenactment group based in Vermont. Reenacts USAAF personnel, portraying mainly the ground part of their life.
WW2 Medical Reenactment
This site offers a remarkable amount of information on the American medical corps during the Second World War.
WWII 505 PIR Pathfinder Re-enactors
WWII Re-enacting unit website dedicated to keeping alive the memory of those who fought in, died in, and survived World War II.