english deutsch
'K' Troop Royal New South Wales Lancers
Ceremonial mounted troop composed of volunteers from the Australian military forces portrays Australian unit. History, photo gallery, links. Based in Australia.
12th Battalion ANZAC
Reenactment group portrays the Australian foot soldier of World War One. History, training manual, events schedule, photo gallery. California USA.
13th Battalion Blackwatch
Reenactment group portrays the Royal Highlanders of Canada. Member information, calendar of events.
1st Infantry Division 28th Infantry Company E
Reenactment group portrays American unit of 1917-1918. History, photo gallery, links. Based in USA.
26th "Yankee" Division
Reenactment group portrays American unit. History, photo gallery, research articles. Eastern USA.
45th Company 3rd Battalion 5th Marines
Reenactment group portrays US Marine unit. History, gear guidelines, photo gallery. Western USA.
5th Battalion Australian Imperial Force - AIF
Reenactment group portrays an Australian battalion. Unit history, uniform guidelines, events schedule, joining information, recommended reading and photo gallery. Eastern United States.
Irish Guards 1914-1919
Dedicated to the preservation of the memory of the men who fought with the Irish Guards during the Great War.
Legion Russe Home Page
Reenactment group portrays a Russian unit in France in 1918. History, equipment, photo gallery, music links.
Major J. F Thomas Riding Troop
Reenactment group portrays Australian Light Horse unit of World War One period. Based in Australia.
O'Ryan's Roughnecks
Reenactment group portrays the 27th Division and the 107th Infantry, New York National Guard in World War One. History, uniforms, weapons, photo gallery. Eastern USA.
Pershing's Doughboys
Reenactment group portrays the American Army doughboys. Events schedule and photos. Based in the UK.
The Australian Light Horse Association
Contains information on famous regiments and famous battles, ordinary soldiers and commanders, existing military units, current reenactment groups, and museums. Based in Australia.
The Buffs, East Kent Regiment
Reenactment group portrays British unit. History, events schedule, photo gallery.
The Great War Society
Members dress in the uniforms and equipment, learn the drill and undertake the training and everyday activities of British World War One soldiers. Not a battle reenactment group. Based in UK.