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1838 Rendezvous Association
Annual mountain man rendezvous reenactment on the Oregon Trail in Western Wyoming; activities include trading, black powder shooting, Native American pow wow, knife and tomahawk throwing, kids events and games, crafts, stories and songs.
2004 Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous
NMLRA North Eastern Primitive Rendezvous; July 7 - July 19, 2004.
Alafia River Rendezvous
A yearly, historical encampment, hosted by the Florida Frontiersmen. Enjoy black-powder shooting, primitive archery, hawk and knife throwing, pre-1840 trade goods and fellowship with buckskinners, mountain men, Native Americans, and settlers.
Blue Ridge Rifles, Inc.
A self supporting muzzleloading club located on 22 acres of the Blue Mountains, approximately one mile from the Appalachian trail just off Rt. 183 in Summit Station, PA.
Blue River Longrifles
Muzzleloading and buckskinning club, hosting a monthly shoot on the fourth Sunday of each month and annual rendezvous. Located in Greenfield, IN.
Burke 1777 Linville Gorge North Carolina
Narratives and photos of the annual eighteenth century living history reenactment events of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Long Rife Association, at Linville Gorge Wilderness Area in western North Carolina.
Dogg Clann Muzzleloaders
Club holds monthly shoots and 2 rendezvous a year. Pre-1840 blackpowder muzzleloaders only.
Fort Erie Muzzleloaders
Muzzleloading club offering annual rendezvous. Located near Erie, PA.
Free Trappers Lodge
A mountain man group telling what they do and why. Contains pictures, and tips.
George Rogers Clark Heritage Association
A Living History roup dedicated to preserving and recreating frontier Ohio (1780-1810), sponsoring reenactments of frontier Ohio events at George Rogers Clark Park, including The Fair at New Boston.
Green River Rendezvous Pageant Association
Presenting an authentic re-enactment of Rocky Mountain fur trade history in Pinedale, Wyoming, the 2nd weekend in July; in conjunction with Green River Rendezvous Days.
Illinois Freetrappers Blackpowder Club
A not-for-profit blackpowder/muzzleloading living history club located in northern Illinois, striving to keep alive the individual spirit and way of life of the early pioneers.
Keuka Lake Renegades Muzzleloader Club
Information, events, members, and contact information for the Keuka Lake Renegades Muzzleloader Club.
Lancaster County Longrifles, Inc.
Rendezvous and shoot at Muddy Run Park, Holtwood, PA.
Longshot's Rendezvous
Devoted to the re-enactment of the pre-1840 fur trade era in America; in particular to the buckskinners, longhunters, traders and craftsmen of the Missouri & Illinois area.
Mid America Buckskinners
Living history, reenactments, treks, rendezvous, shoots, and gatherings in the four state area of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas.
Morgan County Longrifles
Muzzleloading, buckskinning, and living history non-profit club, dedicated to preserving the era of the muzzleloading rifle; offers shoots and 3 rondezvous annually. Located in Martinsville, IN.
Mountain Trails Rendezvous
Life at 1836 Fort McPheerson, including reinactments and historical presentations. Company information, photo gallery, events, and contact details.
MT - Brokenrod and Two Rivers Rendezvous
Buckskinning and upcoming events in northwest Montana.
NRLHF Home Page
National Rendezvous and Living History Foundation, organizing group of the NMLRA rendezvous.
Olalla Longrifles
A club that preserves the skills of our first settlers, pioneers, and mountain men in their use of muzzle loading firearms and the equipment and accouterments that accompanied such use in the pre 1840's era.
Pomme de Terre Rendezvous
Schedule and vendor information for annual historic mountain man encampment, recreating the historical period of 1750 - 1840.
Pre-1840 Living Mountain Men
Information on events and photos of buckskinners.
Rocky Mountain Living History Society
Mission is to promote, support and or sponsor reenactments of an historic nature that further the education and the preservation of living history. Present Bayou Salado Pre-20th Century Frontier Gathering.
Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous Pre-1840 Fur Tr
Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous events, black powder events and pre-1840 mountain man, trappers and traders camp events.
Salt River Long Rifles
A muzzleloading black powder gun club, devoted to the historical era 1750-1840; offering an open shoot each month and a Rendezvous in September. Located in Harrodsburg, KY.
Smugglers Notch Primitive Biathlon
Winter biathlon event using muzzleloaders and wood-framed snowshoes the last weekend of January in northern Vermont.
Sturgis/Fort Meade Calvary Days
Annual Sturgis / Fort Meade Cavalry Days Celebration in South Dakota celebrates the history and spirit of Fort Meade back in the days when it was a frontier cavalry post.
The Coon 'n Crockett
Muzzleloaders Club of Grand Forks, North Dakota. List of muzzle loading and buckskinning links.
Upper Allegany Muzzleloaders
Muzzloading club with monthly shoots and annual primitive rendezvous during Memorial Day weekend. Located in Pittsfield, PA.
White Oak Society
Provides information about the fur trade in the eighteenth century. Sponsors of a large educationally-oriented rendezvous every summer. Deer River, Minnesota