1864 Battle of Plymouth NC Living History Weekend
Annual 3 day public event includes authentic Confederate and Federal military encampments and reencatments, educational presentations, riverboat rides, period music, candlelight tour. Events schedule, Contact information
Brooksville Raid
Annual re-enactment of 1864 battle in Hernando County, Florida held the third weekend in January. Links to re-enactment military units, newsletters, and other Florida re-enactments.
Camp Chase Gazette
Nationally distributed magazine about American Civil War reenactment and living history; subscription information, current issue example.
Civil War Shows
Search by state for shows, events, and re-enactments. Accepts submissions of events for free listing.
Currensnet Internet Publications - Civil War Reena
General publication of sites and events pertinent to New Mexico living history organizations.
Raid on Gramling Mills
Annual American Civil War reenactment event event near Spartanburg, South Carolina; schedule, image gallery.
The Watchdog
A quarterly review for Civil War reenactors. Includes articles, past issues, photos, and subscription information.