121 Ohio Voluntary Infantry
Civil War reenactment group based in northern Ohio does a variety of events from mega-events to little school programs. Unit history, member information, events schedule, photo gallery.
4th OVI Co B
We are a family oriented unit based out of Lima, Ohio. We portray the 4th Ohio Volunteer Federal Infantry Regiment Company B.
54th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A
Living historians portraying one of only two Ohio Zouave regiments during the American Civil War.
5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Civil War reeanctors portray military life; based in northeast Ohio. Newsletter, events schedule, photo gallery.
91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company B
Reenactment group portrays Federal infantry unit, including the Iron Hills Soldiers' Aid Society. Unit history, events schedule, membership information, photo gallery.
The 64th Ohio Volunteer Infantry from Mansfield Oh
History of the 64th Ohio Volunteer Infantry: Photos, Documents, Roster, Biographies, Research, Unit, Company and Living Histories, Cemeteries, Letters, Pictorial Time Line, Soldiers Pages, Forums, monuments, Tombstones, Flags, Campaigns, Battles and more