15th Alabama Company B, 16th Alabama Infantry, Company A, 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, 62nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Alabama State Militia Artilery
10th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, 14th OVI/ 3rd Arkansas, 15th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 22nd Arkansas Infantry, Co B 2nd Regt. Arkansas Mounted Rifles CSA, North West 15th Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, Trans-Mississippi Rifles
13th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company, 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band, 37th Illinois Infantry, Company B, 44th Illinois Infantry, 45th Illinois, Company C / 5th Georgia, Company C, 64th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company E, 7th Illinois Cavalry, C Troop
1st Kentucky Cavalry and Horse Artillery, 2nd Kentucky - Phillips Independent Battery, 9th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Company B, Scalaw, Phillip's Legion - 4th U.S. Kentucky, Second Kentucky Infantry Regiment C.S.A., The First Kentucky Cavalry, Company C Homepage, The Kentucky Brigade, The Seventh Kentucky Infantry Inc.
19th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry, Company A, 1st Louisiana Special Battalion, Company B Tiger R, 7th Louisiana, Company C
16th Maine Militia, 20th Maine Volunteers, Company B, 3rd Maine Regiment , Company A, 4th Maine Infantry Regiment, Company B, 5th Maine Volunteer Infantry
1st Maryland Infantry, Company H, 2nd Maryland Company H, Chesapeake Signal Detachment and Signal Corps of t
12th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 2nd Company of Massachusetts Sharpshooters, 54th Massachusetts Glory Brigade, 54th Massechusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company I, 9th Massachusetts Battery, A Civil War Living History Reenactment Group
Benton County Missouri Home Guards, Collins Battery B, Turner Brigade, Missouri Volunteers
New Jersey
14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers Company H, 14th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Company K, First New Jersey Light Artillery
New York
14th Brooklyn New York State Militia, Company E, 5th New York Infantry, Company A, 69th and 88th New York Volunteers, 69th New York State Volunteers, 77th New York Regimental Balladeers, 79th New York Cameron Highlanders
North Carolina
1st Battalion North Carolina Sharpshooters, Compan, 1st North Carolina Cavalry, 25th NC Infantry Regiment, 28th North Carolina, Company C, 49th North Carolina Troops, Soldiers Relief Societ, Blue Ridge Living History Society of North Carolin, Carolina Legion Hospital, The 6th North Carolina State Troops, The Carolina Legion, Thomas' North Carolina Legion
121 Ohio Voluntary Infantry, 4th OVI Co B, 54th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. A, 5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company B, The 64th Ohio Volunteer Infantry from Mansfield Oh
114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company E, , 114th Pennsylvania Volunteers, 13th Pennsylvania Volunteer Reserve Corps, Compan, 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company F, 17th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry Company E, 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry, 81st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 98th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. A, Berdan's US Sharpshooters Company "C&quo
Progressive Units
10th Texas, Company G, 1st Georgia Regulars Homepage, 1st Minnesota, Company D, Lincoln Guards, 2nd South Carolina Cavalry, Iron Scouts, 31st Indiana Volunteers Company "E", 33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Columbia Rifles, Lazy Jacks Mess, Liberty Greys, Susquehanna Rilfes
14th Tennessee Volunteers, Company B, 44th Tennessee Consolidated Infantry, 46th Tennessee Infantry, Company E, First Tennessee Infantry (Maney's), Company E, The 29th Tennessee Infantry C.S.A
11th Texas Cavalry, 1st Texas Infantry, Company B, 1st Texas, Company E, 37th Texas Cavalry , Terrell's Cavalry, 4th Texas Battalion, 4th Texas Infantry, Company K, 6th Texas Infantry, 9th Texas Artillery, Texas Brigade
1st Virginia Volunteer Infantry, 22nd Virginia Battalion, 25th Virginia Infantry Company B, 2nd Virginia Infantry, Company E, 33rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Company A, 48th Virginia Infantry, Company D, 49th Virginia Infantry, 4th Virginia, Company I, The Liberty Hall Voluntee, 55th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Co. F, 7th Virginia Cavalry Company A
1st U.S. Infantry (Recreated)
A progressive Civil War reenacting unit from the Dallas/Ft. Worth and Central Texas areas, site contains recruiting and contact information, newsletter, events, photos, equipment, articles, and links.
1st United States Volunteers Training Camp
The recruiting and log site of an Arkansas unit that will portray both sides of the Civil War. Includes events, reenactments attended, recruiting, and a report from the camp.
20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Company G
Northern California Civil War reenactment group with membership, contact, research information, photographs, and official records.
28th Georgia/123rd New York Volunteer Infantry
Family-oriented re-enacting unit based in the Resaca area in North Georgia, portraying both Confederate and Federal units.
2nd U.S. Infantry
Reenactors in the Carolinas portraying regular U.S. infantry, covering the period from 1858 thru 1866. Includes newsletter, history, events schedule, and pictures.
2nd US Cavalry, Company H
Equestrian living history group presenting the history of dragoons and cavalry during the American Civil War at reenactments, National Parks, and competitions in the Mid-Atlantic area.
3rd United States Infantry
Very authentic reenactors portray Civil War military life and operations; unit history, membership information, newsletter available.
4th United States Light Artillery, Battery B
A Southeastern-Wisconsin-based group with members throughout the Upper Midwest. Battery B, 4th U.S. Light Artillery re-enacts a Union Regular Army artillery unit. History of modern and historical unit, equipment standards, newsletter, events schedule, contact information photographs of reenactments.
52nd Regimental String Band
Civil War re-enactor musicians performing Confederate and Union impressions nationwide. Based in Tennessee. Albums, photos, repertoire, schedule, and biographies.
Levisa Artillery
A Confederate unit, this site contains a mission statement, events, roster, photographs, and contact information.
Living the Memory - The American Civil War
Mailing list for civil War re-enactors. Rules, mission statement and clothing guidance.
Longstreet's Corps
Organization dedicated to remembering the Confederate soldier through living histories, battle reenactments, educational presentations and preservation efforts in the Eastern United States. Contacts and links for member units, history, photos, and schedule.
Mississippi Valley Brigade
Dedicated to the accurate portrayal of the western Confederate forces during the War between the States. Links to member battalions and infantry units.
North South Alliance
Organization plans and executes a long-range reenactment events calendar for National Level reenactments in the West; First Confederate Division and First Federal Division reenact the Western Theater of operations including the Trans-Mississippi region. Member information and events schedule.
The Fightin' Valley Division
An association of independent soldiers, companies, battalions and civilians with the same goals on what reenacting should be. Contacts and links to individual units, division policies, and schedule.
The First Federal Division
The First Federal division is made up of the Army of the Pacific, the Western Brigade and the Frontier Brigade and the Cavalry Brigade in order to provide a division organization at national level events.
Trans-Mississippi Brigade
Represents and promotes awareness of the American Civil War in the states west of the Mississippi. Newsletter, battalions, guidelines, and upcoming schedule.
Western Brigade National Division
Federation of those mid-nineteenth century military reenactment groups which portray companies of Western Federal Soldiers at American Civil War reenactments and living history events and which represent infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Member information, events schedule, newsletter.