A Fool and His Lady
Doug and Mary Resenbeck and family present audience interactive comedy story telling. Includes photos and fan club information.
Ample and Trite
Interactive Renaissance Faire theatre by the odd couple, Truly Ample and Prudence Trite; events schedule, image gallery, biographical and contact information, based at the Michigan Renaissance Festival.
Comedy variety performance featuring juggling, fire eating, and extensive audience interaction. Schedule, newsletter, photos, biography.
Ded Bob and Smuj
Uniquely costumed puppet and puppeteer Clark Orwick, both on a graveyard horror theme, perform audience interactive street theatre at Faires and other events. Schedule, humorous biography and extensive photo gallery.
Fowl Tales Parrot Show
Comedy entertainment routines by Bob, Gypsy the Parrot, and Nick the Dog. Based in central California. Schedule and photos.
Funny Magic . Com
Peter Gross and the "Boston Hysterical Society" perform off beat comedy and magic, including a circus parody show and the Amazing Flying Rodents. Events schedule.
Jeffrey Daymont Comedy Juggler
Comedy juggling of all varieties for Renaissance Faires and similar event. Schedule, biography, newsletter, based in Long Beach, California.
Knight Times
Knight Times' costumed characters provide special entertainment for weddings, corporate functions, or other gatherings as Sir John, the Minstrel, or the Rogue.
Mephisto the Master
Professional performances of all varieties of fire eating. Biography, extensive photo gallery, Frequently Asked Questions section, general information on fire eating, and a Tips from the Master section.
Ohio Renaissance Festival Washer Wenches
Street theatre troupe in Faire peasant costume performs audience interactive comedy and song.
Piccolo Puppet Players
Traditional Punch and Judy shows and street theatre work; California Renaissance Faires based. Photos and contact information.
Red Griffin Productions
Specializes in medieval themed events. Actors are trained in character interaction, and choreographed stage combat. Find out more about their pool of talent and services here.
Renaissance Clown
Brian Foley performs magic, juggling, mime, dance, singing, and acrobatics in interactive street theatre; schedule, biography, and photos.
Renaissance Sword Theatre, Inc.
A not-for-profit live steel combat troupe, specializing in the use of European weapons from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Members, history, videos, and photos.
Roger the Jester
Based in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, Roger recreates the wandering lifestyle of a medieval fool. Photos, events schedule, biography, contact information, show video.
Scarlett Rat Entertainment
Theater company performs audience interactive comedy street theater. Photos and schedule.
Sean K. Miller -- Jongleur Extraordinarie
Find out about a fully bearded professional fire eater who does storytelling, and period shows as well.
Sound and Fury
Richard Maritzer, Shelby Bond and Phil van Hest perform Shakespearean satire, such as Romeo and Juliet, version 2.0. Newsletter, schedule, discussion board and photo gallery. [Requires Flash]
Teatro di Pecorino Romano
Three person performing group of Commedia dell' Arte style which uses comedy masks. Acrobatics and magic produce an energetic performance in the tradition of Italian Commedia. Summaries of shows including pictures.
The Daring Douglasses
Comedy fire eating show. Performer information, description, history, and schedule.
The Musketeers
The swashbuckling, sword flashing Musketeers of the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.
Thom Sellectomy Swordswallower
Sword swallowing and audience interactive comedy show by Geoffrey Cobb; schedule, biography, photos.
Tortuga Twins
Comedy performances by Ronn Bauman, Jef Hall, and Riki Robinson; juggling, whip stunts, sword fighting, mime, audience interactive theatre, fairy tale satire. Schedule, photos, biography.
Wenches A Wailing
Fansite for the live singing act from the Ohio Renaissance Festival. Includes profiles, pictures, lyrics, and related links.
Will's Medieval Magic
William Hunter and group provides magic stage shows based on four fictional historic characterizations. Independent performer and small festival consultant. Educational programs, performance and contact information.
Zoltan the Adequate
Andy Blau performs unconventional magic in the comedy Zoltan Renaissance characterization. Schedule, newsletter, and extensive photo album.
Zucchini Brothers
Two performers do comedy juggling and acrobatic stunts; audience interactive. Schedule, newsletter, and photos.