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At The Faire
Publication of news, photos, schedules, vendors, and activities about midwestern Renaissance Faires and similar events; performer information, message board.
Directorie of Renaissance Faires
Renaissance Faires, Medieval Festivals and related reenactments worldwide, with locations, times, dates, prices, weather and maps.
Portal to a variety of Renaissance Faire sites.
Renaissance Faire
Everyting you ever wanted to know about the renaissance faire.
Renaissance Faire Homepage
A collection of information regarding Renaissance Faires.
Renaissance Festival
Directory of faires around the world.
Renaissance Information Center
Main Entrance for the Renaissance Information Center. The home of information on renaissance, medieval, western, and civil war reenactments & events(faires, festivals), crafts and supplies. Home of the Renaissance Herald and the Renaissance Mall.
Renaissance Magazine
Renaissance Magazine features articles on costuming, history, castles, heraldry. culinary and herbal arts, and in-depth interviews with the movers and shakers of the re-enactment and Renaissance faire communities.
Ren_Fair renaissance & Ren Fair Info ezine
Provides bookmarks and fair information in an unmoderated egroup.
Texas Renaissance Festivals & Medieval Faires
Lists Renaissance faires in Texas and offers Celtic MP3's.
The Rennies' Market: RenMarket.com
An on-line resource for anyone who enjoys period re-enactments.
The SCRIBE Network - Faire Information
A complete directory of everything faire. People, groups, events, resources, images, stories.
The Webring of Renaissance Faire Pictures
Members of this ring are required to have at least eight pictures pertaining to renaissance faires.
VirtualFaire.Com - Renaissance Merchant Directory
Directory of merchants and vendors which cater to the enthusiasts of renaissance faires and medieval history.
Yahoo Groups : renaissancefaire
Monthly ezine for group members only to share thoughts and ideas.
Yahoo Groups : renfairs
Share costume ideas, compare different fairs throughout the country, talk about the performances, food and crafts.