17th Century Life And Times
A small society of two regisments concentrating on living history and small battle reenactment displays. Site has brief history and ECW timeline.
Colonel John Fox's Regiment of Foote
Parliamentarian regiment, part of the Fairfax Battalia of the ECWS. History, gallery and events.
Colonel Thomas Laghtnan's Regiment of Foote
A regiment of the Sealed Knot, recreating an Irish brigade of the royalist Army of Scotland. History of the Irish regiments, activities, photographs.
Colonel Valentine Walton's Regiment of Foote
English-based Roundhead unit re-enacting civilian and military life. Description of unit, photograph gallery, historical background.
Devereux's Regiment of Foote
Part of the Fairfax Battalia of the English Civil War Society. Regimental handbook, newsletter, photograph galleries, events list and booking details.
Earl Rivers Regiment of Foote
Royalist regiment, part of the Sealed Knot.
Fairfax Battalia
Being the regiments of Devereux, Walton, Fox and Overton of the English Civil War Society. Aims, activities, photographs, events and booking contacts. Links to constituent regiments.
Lord John Robartes Regiment of Foote
A Parliamentary regiment of the Western Brigade of the Sealed Knot re-enacting the period of the English Civil Wars, also called the Wars of Three Kingdoms, 1639-1652.
Montagu's Regiment of Foote
Regiment information as part of a member's personal home page. Good collection of links.
New Model Army
A new New Model Army reenactment group. On the US East Coast.
Newark Garrison Reenactment Regiment
The Sealed Knot re-enact battles from the English civil war. Newark Garrison is a company in the regiment of The King's Lifeguard of Foote.
Reenactment Guide for public and sponsors
Information on how to produce highly authentic, historically accurate re-enactments.
Sealed Knot
The society of Cavaliers and Roundheads. One of two main civil war reenactment organisations in the UK. History, regimental listing and activities.
Sir Gilbert Hoghton's Regiment of Foote
A regiment in The Sealed Knot Society.
Sir Thomas Blackwell's Regiment of Foote
A regiment of the King's Army, the royalist element of the English Civil War Society. We take part in battles, skirmishes, sieges and 'living history' re-enactments organised by the Society.
Sir Thomas Tyldesley's Regiment of Foot
Part of the Kings Army in the ECWS.
Sir William Pennyman's Regiment
Royalist regiment from the ECWS.
Tattershall Trayned Band
Elizabethan and ECW reenactors based in the southwest USA.
The Blew Regiment of the Cittie of London Trayned
Part of the London Trained Bands in the Sealed Knot society. Includes history and details of events.
The English Civil War Society
One of the two main civil war re-enactment organizations in the UK.
The Guild of Gentry and Allied Skills
UK-based group specializing in civilian life in 17th Century England, including but not limited to the English Civil War.
The Marquess of Winchesters Regiment
The site of a group of people who re-enact the military and social aspects of the English Civil War.
The Siege Group
Englishmen reenacting the English Civil War (with occasional forays to later periods) with reference to the specific history of their venues. Schedule of events and contact information.
Thomas Ballard's Regiment of Foote
English group re-enacting a Parliamentary infantry regiment. List of ECW battles, information on the original Ballard, and ECW arms and equipment.
Thomas Wentworth English Civil War Regiment
site of a regiment of the Sealed Knot. Containing civil war history and events.