A New Application of Darwin's Theory
A Darwinian analysis of the 81st Indy 500 auto race. Darwin's theory can explain anything. See how it is used to analyze Arie Luyendyk's stunning victory in the 1997 Indy race.
Biology poetry
Contains rhymes with the focus on biology. Is open to submissions of poetry and rhymes about biology and other sciences.
Brain Songs
Brain and neuroscience songs set to familiar tunes.
Cell Bio Personals
From the Psi Beta chapter of Beta Beta Beta at James Madison University, a collection of personal ads.
A humorous look at the invasion of periodical cicadas in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Cooking with a Scientist
Matthew DeGennaro's humorous weblog on biology and cooking.
Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature
Etymologies, puns and funny sounds, wordplay, and more in taxonomy.
Developmental Biology Online: Humor
Includes the mRNA, genome, and histone song, a two-act parody of My Fair Lady, and the denial of Thomas Jefferson's grant request.
Dolly's Cloning Emporium
A humorous look at the endeavor of cloning.
Fenton the Death Sheep From Hell
Membership (minionship), celebrities, news, sports, sheepcentric website links, sheepocracy project, and a "sheepish" language version of the page.
Final Proof That Planes Indeed Evolved From Cars
A parody about evolution and the facts it claims, this short story may open your eyes a bit wider to evolution. This story claims that planes evolved from cars.
Garlic Surprise
Effect of ale, garlic, and soured cream on the appetite of leeches.
Hot Date Tel Tufo
A sizzling biochemical romance.
Official Doohicky Website
A site set up to inform more people about doohickys.
Ova Prima Foundation
Devoted to discourse and research on the egg and chicken controversy, that most basic of conundrums.
Penn Academy for Necroambulate Studies
Academy for the scientific study of zombies (necroambulates). Includes papers, faculty, thesis, and questions answered.
Profession Jokes - Biologists
Jokes about biologists and biology (part of the Profession Jokes site).
Science and Medicine Humor
A long list of links to biology songs and jokes, with some other science humor as well.
The Bird God
Hear an audio file of a parrot having a conversation about believing in God and the afterlife.
The Dangers of Bread
The various dangers of eating bread.
The Icelandic Phallological Museum
Probably the only museum in the world to contain a collection of phallic specimens belonging to all the various types of mammal found in a single country. Multilingual.
The Retarded Sheep's Great Sheep Conspiracy
A story about the relationship between Patrick Henry's historic speech and the fate of the sheep.
The Stupid Gene
A theory as to why Earth is populated by so many idiots.
Wildlife Biology Jokes
Wildlife, biology, science, and environmental jokes and humor.
WWWF Grudge Match: Jacques Cousteau vs. Marlin Per
The two wildlife adventurists race against each other to be the first to discover Life on Mars.