A Shark Attack
Just when you thought it was safe to open your browser.
Sable's Corner
A collection of jokes, sayings and recipes.
Sakura No Otome
Daily craziness chronicled by Japanese girls.
Sam and Bill are Hot Male Models
Covers fashion, celebrities, food and personal comment.
Sandor Comics Archive
A fictitious character and his many extremely painful and fatal experiences.
Saurabh Minni
A collection of jokes from India plus personal information.
Scamtha's School of Mystical Stuff
A parody of the "channeling" of ancient citizens of Atlantis for fun and profit.
Scarlett's Humor Page
Collected email funnies, sayings and inspirational quotes.
Jokes, military humor and downloadable games. Features a joke search engine to help locate specific topics.
Scubaryan's Homepage
Collected videos, pictures and projects.
Seabass 7
Spoof News articles and Features regularly updated. Includes jokes and flash games.
Seal World
Features Cleveland's fictional television network offering exciting seal-related programming 24 hours a day.
Hand picked news as well as political and humorous commentary on current events.
Selina and Barbara's Mambo Mania
Random cute things designed to please.
Send David
David is attempting to make it possible to go to McDonalds until 11am for a hot, steamy, breakfast.
Shankarling, Pramod
Jokes, light reading articles, softwares and downloads.
Shanno Needs a Life
Created by someone who is scared of normal people.
Sharon's Fun Links
Links to humorous pages, stories, pictures and poems.
Shawson & Co
A group of British students document a series of pranks and practical jokes.
Shiela Moss
Yahoo-based club and the haunt for a wanna-be humor columnist.
Shlomi Fish
Satirical writing from Israel, featuring politics and popular culture. In English and Hebrew.
Shooting Stars
Photographs of school friends up to mischief.
Shounen Cheezer and Shojo Neko's Millenium
Furry animals in sailor suits and personal comment and humor.
Shrugging Off Common Sense.
Humorous rants and stories from everyday life, plus a spoof advice column.
Shutah's Website
Funny captions to news photos and other original humor.
Simons, Craig
Tips on picking up women, creative works, art, and personal information.
Sit On Harry's Knee
An attempt at a genuine world record for having one's knee sat on.
Funny stories and websites, amd interesting novelties from all over the world.
SliceMessiah's Shrine to Sodaism
Mock religion combining the X-Men and fizzy drink.
Free jokes, cartoons, funny stories and humor for everyone to enjoy.
Smeggy Stuff In Dan's Head
A fascination with body modifications, nuns, British comedies and many other weird subjects.
Snowey's Website
Dedicated to the author's life and all the crazy things that happen.
Society for the Prevention of Idiocy
An attempt to expose the idiocy that seems to be ever-present in life.
Solar Monkey
Visitors can share pictures and poems and read about the adventures of the resideet monkey.
Some Internet Humour
A collection of techie and non-techie humor.
Spandrill Magazine
Surreal, nonsense humor, wordplay and pythonesque humor.
Spank That Monkey
Observations and simple truths concerning human-kind.
Spider Enterprises
Computer pranks, funny pictures and a basic HTML tutorial.
Spitfire's Wonderful World
Includes pictures, humor, rambling, and quotes.
Slapstick spoofs of TV advertisements and talk shows from an all-female cast.
Splint McGriff Beer and Dart Tournament
Featuring a group of former students and their get-togethers.
Spookysheep's Fields of Nonsense
A collection of GIF images, holiday pages, and neurotic ramblings.
Sports Smile
Humorous look at sports and the career of David Legham.
Dancing robots, Lamborghinis, R2-D2 as well as jokes, quiz, and links.
Status Magazine
A man's place with woman-of-the-month, sports, cars, and links.
Status Quackery
Home of multiple crude images, movies, and essays.
Stephen Pratt's Eponymous Home Page
Ideas, essays, rants, photos and a graph of the temperature inside the webmaster's fridge.
Steve's Web Page
An investigation into white dog poo, haircuts of the 90s and Noel Edmonds.
Humorous writings on business, technology, entertainment and travel.
Stevo's Official Website
A diverse collection of pictures from animals and bridges to women wearing glasses.
Stik & Twig
Humor and pointless comics, with topics ranging from fake news to game reviews.
Stock in the Mafia
Information on how to buy a share of the mob.
Stop the Sanity
A site that deals with many important ideas, through humour.
Stories My In Laws Told Me
Humorous stories of family life collected for three generations and counting.
Stormy John's Page
Humor, jokes, desktop pictures and wallpaper.
Stuart Miles and Stefano di Parksio
One wants to rule the world, and the other, is an Italian trying to cope with living in England.
Glasgow-based humorist, comics writer and molecular biologist.
Stupid Junk
Random stupidity and humor, plus visitor submissions.
Features animated rantings. Offers archives, forums and a contest.
A hodge-podge of funny characters and poetry. Also serves as family website and father-in-law's Art Site.
Style Invitational Losers
Home of a loose band of marginally sane individuals addicted to humor contests and other outlets for their smartass shenanigans.
Celebrity soundboards, movie soundboards, and music.
Supreme Cosmic Wizard
Spoofs, doctored photos and personal humor.
Sweet Chilli Sauce
A number of encounters with the conmen of Nigeria and their promises of instant wealth. Plus Letters, jokes and sundry junk.
Synperz Domain
Personal humor, entertainment, and sound and picture files.
The Scott Lennox Home Page
Fun, music, homemade GIFs, WAVSs, and midi music files.
The Second Best Page in the Universe
Satire and sarcasm from a ninja pirate.
The Serious Page
Pointless animations, out-of-control marquee text and a collection of bizarre content.
The Slate Hill Tribune
College related articles and humor.
The Spoor of Alienjack
Bizarre and often dark humor produced by a man who claims to live on the roof of a box factory. Stories, pictorials, and some non-humorous literature.
The Stupid College Kid
A broad examination of what students find to be funny.
The Super Wacky Videos
Varied humorous videos in RealPlay or MPEG format.
The Sweet Stealth Warriors
They think they're always right and dare visitors to disagree.
The Syko Ward
A mix of the insightful, interesting, unusual, unexpalined and fun.