Bathroom Jokes
Content includes farting, pooping and general toilet humor.
Bathroom Survey
An examination into how different people go to the bathroom. Find out what strange habits other people have.
A large collections of links relating to bodily functions.
Crappers Quarterly
Restroom reviews, stories, glossary of turds, and other crapping content.
Porcelain Poetry
Jokes, poems and poems related to lavatories.
The Toilet Museum
Take a stroll through a world of toilets, with your curator, Burt Stark.
The Virtual Toilet Paper Museum
Cataloging any and all toilet paper brands.
Toilet Jokes
A portal that will transport you to the funniest potty humor sites on the web.
Toilet Paper Poetry and Quotes
Anthology of poems and quotations touching on the delicate subject of toilet paper.
Toilets from Around the World
A large collection of mostly clean toilets and background information. Submit a favorite toilet photo to be published.