Warning: This site is not educational, nutritional, logical or safe.
Rapid Mollusc
This site contains the surreptitious thoughts of Jodhopper and Dr. T. Lunch which have coagulated in our pants for 3 centuries.
Raz and Liz
Features a collection of home movies, pictures and stories by two teens.
Really Stupid Crap
A site dedicated to everything ridiculous on the web plus some ridiculous stuff.
Realm of Zonthar
Please leave your Coke and rap CDs at the door, and bring your neighborhood strays to the altar. The result of 3 sarcastic teenagers with the ability to make a website.
Go here to find out more about this killing crazed robot dracula...
The Random Sentence Generator
Uses a bank of words and phrases to create completely unique and utterly bizarre sentences, stories, and quotations.
The Realm of Stupidity and Boredom
An archive of jokes, quotes, and cartoons. There is also a diary of stupid and funny things that people say and do at school.