Demon's Monkey
Humorous and bizarre stories, hard rock, heavy metal music, jewelry and sculpture, plus audio files and a message board.
Stupid pictures, videos, flash animations, stories, editorials, news, and more generally strange stuff.
Dick's House
Enjoy Dick's double entendres, play one of his naughty games, send a cheeky e-greeting or search the house via the animated web cam.
Die Screaming with Sharp Things in Your Head
A collection of garden gnomes with a difference. Suggest a gnome or get on the "new gnome" mailing list.
For the weird, abnormal, bizarre, humorous, strange, and stupid. Site includes downloads, video clips, images, movie sound clips and photo gallery, store, and babes.
Drudge Skeletons Insanity Page
A completely random site. RI, Warcraft, magic, jokes, insults, insanity, and other nonsense.
Dry Stone Wall
It's supposed to be funny. (Does this have anything to do with sheet rock?)