Captin Nod's Land of Confusion
Regular updates. Watch out for cows and bizarre wordplay.
Catfelch's Big Site Of Wonder
The random, pointless thoughts and views of Catfelch, thinly disguised as satire.
Chillin', Killin', Smokin' some Wee
Lots of cool pics and funky stuff to do.
Chronicles of the Banter Bizarre
James Spence's weekly journal of bizarre humour, weird lists, wit and wisdom. (Includes the comic strip 'Dr. Sheep and the Aardvark.')
A site of nonsense which makes some sense but not. Maybe.
Clay Conner Dot Com
The world's first 'Robby Approved' Site. Clay Conner Dot Com is a site all about Clay Conner.
Clowns Are Scary
Images, sounds and information on anything that deserves attention.
Optical illusions, limericks, jokes and stories plus guestbook for comments.
This crazy website offers many funny pictures. Ibo and Francois are the creators of this site and are waiting to take yours.
Do you like crotches? Do you like bitches? Do you like Oprah Winfrey? Good, because you won't find her here.
The Corporation
Describes the board members - and some of their exploits - of an evil organisation trying to take over the world.
The Coventry Salvage Company
A band of rogues and villains who sail the high seas in search of booty.