english deutsch
A parody site dedicated to the first explorers of space.
Information for new or potential owners of Cockmonkeys, presented by The Cockmonkey Breeders Association of America.
Digital Banana
Site devoted to insightful and colorful commentary, with an emphasis on the media, U.S. culture, and monkeys.
Everybody Loves Monkeys
Here you'll find pictures, stories, news and anything else monkey related.
Lucius M Monkey
The sagas and travels of a sock monkey, including photos, stories and sock monkey assembly instructions.
Monkey Day
A guide to celebrating Monkey Day on December 14th.
Monkey Mania
Guide to monkeys and monkey business, includes picture gallery, fun, and competition.
Monkey Mania Primate Soundspage
Sounds files of primate sounds including chimpanzees, baboons, gorillas and other monkeys
Monkey Squad
Meet and greet the rag tag bunch of rebel monkeys.
Primative Perspective
A former showbiz simian comments on history, humor and everyday life.
A monkey's eye view of current affairs and the state of America.
Sock Monkeys: The Y2k Solution
Learn how monkeys will help save the world from utter chaos.
Have you had your SpunkyMunky today?
World of Monkey
Featuring a twelve inch cuddly monkey. Site features fames, new, pictures. advice and horoscopes.