American Veal Association
Promoting the American veal industry. Encouraging communications and distributing information pertinent to the veal industry.
British Poussin Information Service
Details about the breeding and production of poussin (spring chicken). Recipes, news and wholesaler information.
Cooking Meat Safely
Factsheet from Clemson University gives safe cooking temperatures for beef, veal, lamb, pork, ham and poultry. Safety tips for preparation, thawing, and reheating.
Focus on Ham
USDA Food safety page on Ham. Contains information on types of ham as well as various cooking and safety concerns.
Food Safety and Inspection Service. Information from the United States Department of Agriculture on safe food handling and preparation procedures.
Ganda Ham
Ganda hams are made using a traditional Belgian process. Ganda is the old Celtic name for the city of Ghent.
Guide to Spam-like Products
Reviews different brands of luncheon meat and offers pictures of all six sides of the cans as well as their contents.
International Barbeque Cookers Association
An association that seeks to develop competitive barbeque cooking internationally. Includes information about events and contact details.
National Beef Cook-Off
Features online entry form, winning recipes, rules, food links, and news.
National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
Conducts scientific research to benefit hot dog and sausage manufacturers. Brochures, facts and trivia, news, and recipes.
Nebraska Corn-Fed Beef
Nebraska corn-fed beef program information and consumer information.
Pork Scratching World
The universe of pork scratchings, including reviews, diet notes, and discussions.
Pork Scratchings Reviews
Offers histories as well as reviews of different brands of pork scratchings.
Queensland Anglo Nubian Breeders
The QANB is a group of meat goat breeders striving to promote the sale and consumption of goat meat.
Red Meat Club
The unique place where restaurateurs and foodservice professionals provide recommendations for steaks, wine, beer, caviar, chocolates, coffee, and cigars.
Includes recipes, general information, news, a fan club, and merchandise.
The Straight Dope: What's Really in Spam?
The inimitable Cecil Adams explores the mysteries of what is arguably Austin's most famous export. Along with some haiku and Monty Python.
White Pekin Duckling
The complete source for inspiration about White Pekin duckling, including preparation methods and recipes, nutrition information, where to purchase duckling, and tips from Chef Rocco DiSpirito.