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Bud Ice Penguin
Personal website devoted to the Bud Ice Penguin advertising program. Contains merchandise pictures and downloadables.
Flying Penguin
Penguin pictures, animations, sounds, downloads, memorabilia, links, and penguin-related ASCII emoticons.
Penguin Lovers
Contains games, pictures, facts, webcams, a quiz, chat, and a store.
Penguin Pages
Children's stories, jokes, links, pictures, games, video and audio clips, graphics, crafts, stuffed dolls, figurines, and other penguin-related items.
Penguins Are Kewl!
Pictures and descriptions of the webmaster's collection of penguins, mostly figurines, and numerous versions of the Linux logo. Also includes links to penguin and Linux sites.
Collection of pictures and information on penguin-related books, movies, music, and videogames. Also includes a section on different species.
The Penguin Collection of Ana Maria Frias
A very cute penguin page about a large penguin collection.
The Penguins Have Come Home
A directory of penguin-related websites, with links to photos, webcams, news, games, shops, and websites about real and fictional penguins.
The Wonderful World of Penguins
Collection of sounds, pictures, gifs, games, animations, and downloads.
Willie the Penguin
Cyberspace tribute to 'Willie' the Kool cigarettes penguin and related collectibles.