Air Sickness Bags
Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum, Airsickness Bag Collection, Airsickness bags, Bagland, barf-O-rama, Barfbag Collection, FMD's Collection, Frank's Sickbags Collection, Fred's Airsickness Bags, Inflight
A collection of airline safety cards which specialises in aviation of the Soviet Union.
Air Raid Sirens
Information on air raid sirens and other siren and warning devices. Features photos, sounds, projects, restoration, forum, and links.
American Weather Vanes
Article on collecting American weather vanes including historical features, vane authenticity tips, displaying information, and outside resources. From Country Living.
Antique Mouse and Rat Traps
This site includes photographs and information about collecting, and researching them as a hobby.
Antique X-Ray Tubes and Accessories
A personal collection of antique X-ray tubes and accessories, with images and some information.
This is a site dedicated to all collectors of Bakelite and other associated old plastics.
Bakelite and Plastic Museum
The database of the site is filled with bakelite kitchen and homeware, radio's, clocks, jewelry, and cameras. Each item has its comprehensive description. Includes images, books, links.
Bakelite Museum
A history of the plastic, backgrounds and a small collection. Site in Gernman and English
Brandon's Siren Site
Photos, information, and links, including storm damage photos.
Business Card Collecting
Business card collecting facts, fun, and information. Links to business card collectors and traders around the world.
Cabin Safety Cards
A collection of safety cards from airliners around the world.
Car Brochures
A private collection of classic and modern car brochures from around the world, includes for sale list, links, and images of the collection.
Caves and Caverns Collectibles
A site about souvenirs and collectible items sold or distributed at caves and caverns.
AOL and other ISP CD Collection. This site shows the art in each ISP's cds or diskettes received in mail or magazines.
Christmas Pyramids (Windmills)
Information about Christmas pyramids and pictures and descriptions of Christmas pyramids from different countries.
Cliff Muskiet's Stewardess Uniform Collection
Thumbnailed photograph galleries of uniforms worn by airline staff.
Collect Space
Non-commercial site devoted to space memorabilia collecting; combines resources for the collector with an online gallery of a personal collection.
Collecting Crest & Monogram Albums
A personal site exploring and presenting research findings on the forgotten pastime of crest and monogram albums. Presented by Edward J Law.
Collectors Tech
British collector of electronic devices, calculators, radios, and watches.
Covers To Discover
A picture collection about manhole covers. Accepts submissions. [English and French].
Encouraging people to look down and check out the metal work at foot-level. Pictures and frequently asked questions. Accepts submitted photographs.
Elefant's Home
A large collection of pictures of elephants, including stamps, greeting cards and book covers.
Fantastic Bandaid Collection
A colorful personal collection of the bandaids. Included are images, links and history.
Fish Posters of the World
Photos, links and other information on all sorts of fish posters.
Flashlight Museum
History of flashlights and images of flashlights with information.
Online museum of antique, classic and new flashlights.
Fool of the Hills Garden Gnomes
Gallery of gnomes and links.
Geek History through T-Shirts. The history of technology is best told through the t-shirts that were made during the development process. Users contribute pictures of their shirts along with their histories.
Globes of the 20th Century
Informational site for collectors of 20th century terrestrial globes. Globe manufacturers, how to date a globe, globe bibliography, globe links and a photo gallery of typical 20th century globes.
A collectors guide to vintage handcuffs, featuring a gallery of handcuffs and related restraints as well as feature articles on handcuff collecting, Houdini and his fellow escape artists of the past.
Hot Water Bottle Collection
Earthenware hot water bottle collection plus foot warmers, bed warmers and muff warmers.
Icebox Memories
Collection of memorabilia associated with the way ice was harvested, stored and finally delivered in the early 1900s.
Jeff's Date Nail Page
An illustrated, comprehensive site on railroad tie date nails. Included is general information on nails, the club, the e-mail newsletter, and the book.
A brief biography on Leo Hendrik Baekeland with pictures of bakelite as well as links.
Land of Noz
All about collecting antique garden hose nozzles.
Devoted to antique or vintage kerosene deadflame and tubular lanterns, includes images and links. - Fine Sewer Art
Photographs sent in by visitors of various manhole covers from all over the world, as well as history and links.
Maytag Club
A California and Federal Non-Profit Corporation Dedicated to the preservation of the Maytag History and restoration of their products.
Menotomy Vintage Bicycles
Site contains two on-line vintage bicycle databases and 6 Discussion Areas with topics on vintage bicycle pricing, dating and restoration.
Modern Moist Towelette Collecting
Homepage for the Modern Moist Towelette Collecting Newsletter.
My Bandaids
This site contains images of an extensive bandaid collection and a listing of the people that have made contributions to it.
My Flashlight Collection
Images of an extensive flashlight collection.
Old Spice Collectibles
Contains detailed research on Old Spice for Men products: mugs, and bottles. Also reports on eBay sales of Old Spice items.
MiniDisc blank collections including hundreds of scans.
Oozin' Goo
The site includes formulas for making your own lamps, information on the history and inventor, a vintage lamp gallery, a fan club, and a connection to the newsgroup.
Paper Watermarks
Collection of Paper Watermarks, with images and information about watermarks, includes links to other internet resources about watermarks. English & Español.
Penguins Everywhere
A personal penguin collection, features figurines, snowglobes, xmas ornaments and plush.
Personal miniature perfume collection with photos and history.
Pocket Calendars
This site is dedicated to a collection of pocket calendars. Includes links, images and reasons to collect pocket calandars.
Ripley's Believe It Or Not Collectors' S
His fascination with the weird and unusual has made Mickey Ivanovitch one of the world's largest collectors of Ripley's Believe It Or Not memorabilia.
Rubberband Ball Miettinen
A rubberband ball website. This Finnish one is in need of donations.
Rubberband Man
Provides information on starting a rubberband ball and has images of on going projects.
An extensive collection which includes a complete alphabetical listing, images and a trade list. Site in German and English.
Site about Sand, trading sand - including pictures, scans, newspaper articles about sand and a download section.
Sand collecting site. Offers to exchange samples of sand. Site is in Italian and English.
Scarf Collector
British information for collectors of ladies scarves. Includes photographs.
Scratch Ticket Collecting
Scotttie's Australian Lotology page.
Solid Perfume
A free informational forum for collectors of solid perfume compacts. Includes a message board, searchable photo database and buying and selling area.
Space Center Shadowstar
A collection of space artifacts, reference material such as articles and interviews with astronauts, and authentic autograph scans.
A fairly eclectic collection consisting of stud boxes, roller blotter, bakelite boxes and dishware. Site consists of images and some text in English and German.
Stewardess Uniform Collection
Photographs of over 300 different uniforms from different airlines.
Straitjacket Floats
Collectors guide to straitjackets. A guide for Houdini fans everywhere.
Swingline Shrine
Devoted to the loyal users of Swingline Staplers around the world.
Talking Clocks
A collection of talking clocks. The site contains: photo galleries, some history of clocks that talk and interesting links about time.
Tara Quest
Resources, pictures, and information about the Tara Ceiling Fan by Southern Fan Co.
The Ball
it is a sphere, composed entirely of aluminum foil of various varieties. It is mostly candy wrappers, with a few bits of foil from other food items mixed in. A very entertaining site.
The Daily Newspapercollection
Individual collecting frontpages of daily newspapers. The site contains the catalogue.
The Gamewell Diaphone Web Site
A collector of information and devices showcases the distinctive public warning horns. Information, images and history are featured.
The Museum of Nostalgic Artifacts
A post modern collection of recent American relics. Exhibits, history, and photographs. Southern California.
The Nailhunter
A pictorial guide to date and pole nails. Collecting date nails is considered to be closely related to insulator collecting.
The RubberBand Ball Room
Step by step guide to creating a rubber band ball. Personal bios, and links to friends pages.
The Sergei Rubber Band Ball Project
Project owner is trying to build a very large rubber band ball named Sergei. Go to this sit for information on donating rubber bands and Sergei's stats.
The Sneaker Net
Collection of over 150 sneakers (most of them Nike) - pictures.
Tissue Box Cover Collection
A collection of unusual tissue box covers.
Treasure Jar
Dedicated to a family's collection of miscellaneous junk that is found on streets and sidewalks.
Vintage Ceiling Fans
A collection with images, descriptions and links.
Virtual Mercury Arc Rectifier Museum
Photographic collection of Mercury rectifiers and associated electronic glassware includes interesting pictures, information and links.
Waistcoat Man
A collection of waistcoats and three-piece suits, including iImages and a place for other collectors to meet.
Welcome to website
I need you help in making the largest rubberband ball.
World Beach Sand
Collecting tips, trading links and general information on sand collecting.
Yossie's Handcuff Collection
A personal collection of Handcuffs, Leg Irons, and other insitutional and historical restraint devices. Includes resource links page, patent papers, function animations, and books.