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Bibliofind Mailing Lists
Subscription information for several book collecting oriented mailing lists run by Bibliofind.
A forum for buying books, selling books, or talking about books, Free Speech/Censorship issues and related issues.
Bibliophile Bookshelf
A fee based mailing list for sellers and collectors of rare, out-of-print, scarce books in all subject areas.
BIBSOCAN The Internet Discussion Group on Bibliogr
An open, unmoderated discussion group dealing with the subject of bibliography. Serves as a forum where knowledge of techniques are shared and solutions to problems proffered. News of bibliographical events, conferences, meetings and publications are also posted.
Book Lovers' Mailing Lists: A Selection of Li
Over 200 annotated email lists, listservs, and conferences relating to books, reading, and literature.
BooksCanada Mailing List
Antiquarian and secondhand book trade in Canada.
A listserv for all the book arts. Subscription instructions, guidelines and archives.
A mailing list for rare book and manuscript librarianship, including special collections and related issues. Archives and subscription information.
Limes - The Scandinavian Marketplace for Antiquari
A fee-based mailing list dedicated to the used books market in Scandinavia.
UKBooks Mailing List
A free list, restricted to UK and Irish residents, for topics related to book selling and collecting in the UK.