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Bend Aero Modelers
Model aviation club information, news, calendar, for sale, pictures, flying site directions, member area, and related links.
Fly-A-Ways R/C Club
Beaverton - Radio control model airplane group's information, calendar, contacts, forum, newsletter, pictures, and related links.
LoCo RC Society
Astoria - Lower Columbia RC Society presents their club information, member list, photos, events, field map, and contacts.
Molalla Radio Control Association
Photos and stories of this RC club, field, and planes. Home of the Pacific Coast Freestyle Championships flying competition.
Northcoast RC Modelers
Tillamook - RC model aviation club information, what's new, field map, events, contacts, pictures, and related links.
Portland - RC model aviation club's information, pictures, field map, contacts, FAQ, swap shop, calendar, and related links.
The Rogue Eagles R/C Airplane Club
Medford - RC model aviation club site with photos, events, membership information, FAQs, links, newsletter, and for sale items.
Umpqua Valley Modelers
Roseburg - Model aviation group's information, pictures, field map, events, reviews, FAQs, and related links.