Karmann Ghia Club Südhessen im KGVD, The Karmann Ghia Club of North America, The Karmann Ghia Owners Club(GB)
Badura's Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Site
Information, history, books, addresses, tips, and gallery.(German and English).
Daniel Baum's Karmann Ghia Restoration
Documents the restoration of a 1969 automatic VW Karmann Ghia Type 34. Pictures, latest developments, and parts found are included.
Diary of a Restoration
1968 Karmann Ghia restoration and other pictures.
Essence of Ghia
Conveying the spirit of author's 1972 Karmann Ghia Coupe.
Everything Karmann Ghia
Karmann Ghia history, specifications, performance information and restoration services.
Karmann Ghia cars and parts for sale and wanted, free listings.
Gilbert's Volkswagen Karmann Ghia
Lots of photos of the restoration of a Ghia coupe.
Karmann Ghia in Manila, Philippines
A 1971 Karmann Ghia, originally used in Los Angeles, then taken to Manila, Philippines.
Karmann Ghia Parts and Restoration
Karmann Ghia parts and restoration tips.
Karmann Ghia UK Online
Karmann Ghia information, features, photos, stories, reference, swap and links.
Karmann Ghia World
Technical and restoration information on Karmann Ghias. of Florida
Specialists in the purchase, restoration and repair of Karmann Ghias.
Road Trip (Karmann Ghia style)
Road trip story in a 1968 Karmann Ghia.
The Karmann Ghia Company of Australia
Karmann Ghia parts and restoration. Includes their own line of restoration parts.
The Karmann Ghia Motorworks
Specialists in the import, supply and restoration of Karmann Ghias to the UK and Europe. Includes history and evolution, and photo gallery.
The Story of a Ghia
Author's restoration of a 1973 Karmann Ghia with links.
Type 34 Karmann Ghia Registry
Registry and information on the Type 34 Karmann Ghias.
W. Karmman GmbH
The company that built the cars. Includes a flash presentation, The Karmann Ghia Story.