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Mazda RX-8
Offial homepage for the Mazda RX-8.
Car and location information, photos, and links.
Rate my RX-8
User contributed pictures of the RX-8 to be rated.
RX-8 Club
Open discussion about Mazda's RX-8 including regional specific discussions.
RX-8 Media
Archive of media files for the Mazda RX-8.
RX-8 Pictures
User contributed pictures of the Mazda RX-8, rims, exhaust, wheels and sound setups.
RX-8 Revolution
Rotary enthusiast site featuring news, forums and gallery.
RX8 Club Australia
Australian based forum featuring planned events, news and regional sections.
RX8 Shop
1HotRx8's fansite includes pictures, information and modifications.
Takahashi's RX-8
Information by Stephen Chan on his black RX-8 with photos, info and video.
Titanium RX-8
Fan site offering photographs, links, and mods to the titanium RX-8.
Topix.net: Mazda RX-8
News about the RX-8, collected from various sources on the web.