Mazda RX-8
Offial homepage for the Mazda RX-8.
RX-8 Club
Open discussion about Mazda's RX-8 including regional specific discussions.
RX-8 Pictures
User contributed pictures of the Mazda RX-8, rims, exhaust, wheels and sound setups.
RX-8 Revolution
Rotary enthusiast site featuring news, forums and gallery.
RX8 Club Australia
Australian based forum featuring planned events, news and regional sections.
Takahashi's RX-8
Information by Stephen Chan on his black RX-8 with photos, info and video.
Titanium RX-8
Fan site offering photographs, links, and mods to the titanium RX-8. Mazda RX-8
News about the RX-8, collected from various sources on the web.