Aus Jeep Offroad
Jeep news, product reviews, tech articles, and member forum. Based in Australia.
Four Wheeler
New truck road tests, trails and adventures, off-road shops and catalogs. Technical questions and expert answers.
FSJ Magazine
Canadian print magazine focusing on full size Jeeps. US and international subscribers are welcome.
Jeep Fan
E-zine covering off-road events, reader stories, tech articles and projects.
Jeep World
Buyers guide, tech tips, and everything new in the world of Jeep. Subscription only UK Magazine.
Jeep Zine
Technical articles, product reviews, trail reports, and reader forum.
Jeep® owners resource site featuring tech section, parts locator, off-road trails, 4x4 books, maps and catalogs.
JP Magazine
Dedicated to Jeep enthusiasts. Monthly features include off-road event coverage, tech articles, and product reviews.