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Dairyland Tinlizzies
A group of enthusiasts who love to have fun driving Model T Fords around southeastern Wisconsin.
Foothills Model T Ford Club
Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Includes events, membership details, and photo album.
Model T Ford Club of America
Events calendar, membership, classified ads, discussion forum, history background, contacts, and links.
Model T Ford Club of Australia
A chapter of the International Ford Model T Club. Contains details on club runs, related links, pictures, and items for sale.
Model T Ford Club of Greater St. Louis
Model T Ford Club of Greater St. Louis, a chapter of the Model T Ford Club of America.
Model T Ford Club of Northwest Ohio
The Model T Ford Club of Northwest Ohio was formed to promote enthusiasm and preservation of the Model T Ford.
Model T Ford Club of Tulsa
The Model T Ford Club of Tulsa is devoted to the preservation and restoration of the Model T Ford and the development of a greater appreciation of the historical significance of the Model T.
Model T Ford Register of Great Britain
Enthusiast in Great Britain. Membership details, pictures, history information, magazine, and links.
Nations Capital Model T Ford Club
The Nations Capital Model T Ford Club is affiliated with the Model T Ford Club International and is organized for fellowship, promotion and the enjoyment of Model T Fords.
Northern California Model T Ford Club
Model T Ford photos and news from the Northern California Model T Ford Club.
Orange County Model T Ford Club
Orange County, California Model T Ford Club, a chapter of the Model T Ford Club of America.
Rose City Model T Club
The purpose of the club is to promote the interest of its members, as automotive hobbyists, in the preservation and restoration of the Model T Ford, its accessories, lore and literature.
Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club
The Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club is a chapter of the Model T Ford Club of America. Ownership of a Model T is not necessary to visit.
South Carolina Model T Ford Club
South Carolina Model T Ford Club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the Model T Ford automobile.
Sun Country Model T Club
Promotes the exchange of ideas, parts and information among enthusiasts in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Includes an event calendar and membership details.
The Model T Ford Club International, Inc.
For Model T Ford car enthusiasts and collectors of classic and antique automobiles. Membership information, magazine, model specifications, events, and competition judging guidelines.
Tickin' T's Of Central Ohio
A club dedicated to the restoration, preservation and development of a greater public appreciation for the Ford Model T automobile.