Antique Gas Engine Bulletin Board
All about antique engines: Meet friends, discuss engine shows, ask questions about collecting, restoring and showing antique engines and the equipment that they operated.
Antique Gas Engine Classified Ads
Advertising pages for sellers, traders and buyers of parts, tools, services and materials related to Antique Gas Engine and Steam Engine collecting and restoration.
Antique Small Engine Collectors Club
Dedicated to the restoration, preservation and information exchange of small, air cooled gasoline engines of various makes: Briggs & Stratton, Lauson, Maytag, Clinton, Reo and Power Products.
Bill and Nancy DeWire's Hit-and-Miss Gas Engi
Bill and Nancy DeWire have been collecting and restoring hit-and-miss gas engines for 40+ years in Hughesville, Pennsylvania. Also have antique cars, tractors and other farm machinery.
Chuck's Hit n Miss Gasolene Engines
Helpful hints and parts for the care of antique engines.
Craig's Old Engine Page
Created this site to display my collection of old stationary engines: Ronaldson Tippett and Lister engines. It also contains useful information for people who are collecting and/or restoring similar engines.
Dan's Flywheels
old engines, Fairbanks Morse, Judson, restoration, flywheel engines, IHC
Dutch collection stationary engines
Collection of a Dutch Millot stationary engines. Also some engines for sale.
Fairbanks Morse Model Z Farm Engines
Collection of Fairbanks Morse Model Z Farm Engines.
Gas Engine Magazine
Monthly publication for tractor and stationary gas engines. Offers merchandise sales, restoration stories, and advice from collectors. Provides subscription information.
Harry's Old Gas and Steam Engines
Collecting, restoring and showing antique stationary gas, gasoline and steam engines. Engine show photos, Magnetos and Ignition, Classified Ads and books.
Jack's Old Farm Engines
A collection of antique farm engines, a John Deere go-cart, a Waterloo Boy 2HP "K" restoration, and related links.
Jacktown Harvest Festival
This is a hobby site for antique tractors, photography, plus hit and miss engines.
JAP 2A charging set
Describes the restoration of a British WW2 battery charging set. Technical details of the JAP 2A engine, made by J. A. Prestwich of London.
Len?s Stationary Engine Collection
Before and after restoration photos of the stationary and steam engines Len Hopcroft collects, and articles he has written on their restoration.
maryland steam historical society
HomePage for the Maryland Steam Historical Society
Norman's Antique Engines
Engine club,antique engines and tractors, stationary and hit-and-miss engines.
Oil Field Engine Society
Technical and swap forums, links and mailing list.
Old Engine House
Information about old steam engines. Contains history of steam engine use and pictures. Also links to other related sites.
Old Iron
Devoted to exchanging knowledge about Hercules built engines or any related topics.
The place on the Internet for lovers of old iron. Links to members pages.
Our Hobbies
Kevin Beitz's antique home-made, gas, and steam engines and water pumps. Special interest in Starite engines.
Pioneer Gas Engine Association
Based in Marion, New York. Provides show information.
Ron Mattson's Antique Engine Collectors Page
Ron's home page, photo gallery, searchable New England engine manufactors database, brass name tags and other current projects.
Rusty Iron Workshop
Collecting and restoring antique stationary engines, hot air engines, tractors, machinery, agricultural and farm equipment.
Sandwich Early Day Gas Engine Club
Offers restoration and preservation of antique farm equipment, located in Sandwich, Illinois. Includes club history, photos and meeting schedule.
Schoolcraft's Old Engines
Pictures of old, restored, and project engines, links, shows, animated old iron .gifs, and a for sale page.
Southern-Tier Antique Gas Engine Show - Maine, NY
Activities and attractions include the following: Rumely Oil Pull tractor and shingle mill, sawmill, drag saw, gas and steam exhibits, tractor parades, craft and flea market.
Stationary Engine Magazine
Stationary engine is a printed monthly magazine from Kelsey Publishing for all stationary engine enthusiasts. Subscribe, buy back issues and related books online.
Stationary Engines
Offers information about the history of stationary engines. Includes a forum, photos, and rallie schedules.
Stationary Engines
Information and pictures of stationary engines from the Netherlands, military uniforms from WWII, and steam museum.
The Antique Gas Engine Homepage
Restoration information, pictures, detailed information, and links pertaining to a wide variety of engines. Specializing in large oil field engine restorations with hot tube ignition.
The Bradford County Oldtimers Show
Our show has a tractor parade, tractor pull, saw mill, horse rides, minnie train ride, kiddie pull, flea market and other actives.
The Carrot Patch Canadian Show Engine Patch
About 30 very good pictures of various restored steam and gasoline stationary engines.
The Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association
A national organization formed in 1957 to stimulate interest in collecting, restoring, preserving, and exhibiting gasoline and oil engines, gas/diesel and steam tractors, power driven farm machinery and any other equipment of historical value.
The Engine Patch
Various restored gasoline engines from the Carrot Patch collection.
Tony Leonard's PoP Engine Place
A collection of old iron, including hit-and-miss and throttle governing engines. Links and engine serial number and year made lists available.