english deutsch
'Drugged dog' claim at Crufts
'Mercenary' arrests cause stir across Af
'The Mystery of Jesus'
10 months after arrest, police officers remain in
11 now charged over Madrid attacks
13 held in U.S. Afghan raids
15 Caribbean nations demand U.N. probe of Aristide
1973 slaying of American journalist probed
23 dead in Uzbek 'terrorist' clash
3 Palestinian militants die in failed attacks
5 dead in Russia apartment blast
5 more held over Madrid bombings
5 more held over Madrid bombings
7 Maoist rebels shot dead in Nepal
9/11 defendant asks for release
Actor cleared to run for president
Actress murder: Rock star guilty
Afghan elections to be delayed
Afghan government minister killed in Herat
Afghan minister assassinated
Afghan troops sent to quell Herat
Africa's rapidly expanding oil sector
African Union head visits Aristide in exile
Agassi loses in British court
Aid workers struggle to help Haitians
Aide to top Iraqi Shiite cleric shot
Air controller suspect in clinic
Air controller suspect named
Al Arabiya calls killings 'assassination&apos
Al-Qaeda vows to avenge killing of local chief
Alarm over Russia Navy statement
Alleged mercenaries charged in Zimbabwe
Alleged mercenaries could face more charges
Amnesty: Sudan not protecting civilians
Analysis: Blair visit a reward for Libya
Analysis: Who bombed Madrid?
Analyst: Attacks may provoke Shias
And the winner is: New Zealand
Annan apologizes for Rwanda genocide
Annan fires security chief over Iraq failures
Annan in last-ditch Cyprus talks
Annan seeks independent oil-for-food probe
Anti-terrorism drive in London
Anti-war protesters scale Big Ben
Antigua election ends 50-year dynasty
Arab League weighs rescheduling summit
Arab League weighs rescheduling summit
Argentina calls for France to aid in corruption pr
Argentina to compensate 'Dirty War' chil
Aristide appeals for peace in Haiti
Aristide appeals for peace in Haiti
Aristide arrives for African exile
Aristide heading for Jamaica
Aristide heads to Jamaica
Aristide heads to Jamaica
Aristide says U.S. deposed him in 'coup d&apo
Aristide says U.S. deposed him in 'coup d&apo
Aristide's allegations problematic for Africa
Aristide's guest privileges pared in exile
Arraf: 'Scene from hell' at Baghdad hote
Arraf: Constitution was so close
Arsonists rampage in sth Thailand
Asian Hip Hop
Athens in race against time
Attacks mark eve of Iraq war anniversary
Australia may keep troops in Iraq
Australia tightens train security
Australian shoots self with nail gun, survives
Authorities kill 17 rebels
Aznar puts new PM on spot on Iraq
Bahrain Islamists storm restaurant over alcohol
Battle rages with al Qaeda fighters
Beijing plots to undermine Chen
Belgium arrests Casablanca suspect
Belgium arrests Casablanca suspect
Belgium child killing trial opens
Bid to impeach embattled Roh
Blair praises Gadhafi WMD decision
Blair warns of WMD terror threat
Blair: Libya can help fight terror
Blast destroys Moscow building
Blast rips through Uzbek market
Blast rocks Italian McDonald's
Blasts may be new chapter for ETA
Blix questions Blair's Iraq stand
Body of UK drug addict exhumed
Bomb blasts captured in chilling voice mail messag
Bomb found at U.S. bank in Athens
Bomb found on French rail line
Bomb kills 2 U.S. soldiers in Iraq
Bomb kills U.S. soldier in Iraq
Bomb threat closes U.S. Embassy in UAE
Bomb threat targets French railway
Bombers hit Istanbul lodge
Bombs 'to split Spain from allies'
Bombs 'to split Spain from allies'
Bombs to affect Spain elections
Bombs were Spanish-made explosives
Bosnian Serb jailed for attack
Bosnian Serb police hunt Karadzic
Brazil police strike threatens airport
Brazilian bingo workers march against president
Bremer: U.S. to bolster Iraq border security
Britain approves GM corn
Britons freed from Guantanamo allege beatings
Broadcaster Alistair Cooke dies
Broadcaster Alistair Cooke dies
Buoyant Canadian Conservatives set to elect leader
Burundi battle kills 13
Bush welcomes NATO's new seven
Call for change at China's NPC
Cameroon recalls ambassador to Equatorial Guinea
Canada sends economic aid to Dominica
Canberra slams cleric terror talk
Canberra tightens U.S. army ties
Canberra to boost spy funding
Candidates to be Greek PM
Car bomb defused near U.S. Consulate in Karachi
Chad kills 43 militants in clashes
Chavez foes protest 'persecution'
Chavez government targets judges for recall ruling
Chavez recall battle lands in Supreme Court
Chavez warns U.S. about '100-year war'
Chechen link to France threat
Chen back in Taipei after shooting
Chen outrage at election claims
Chen to press for independence
Chen, Lien bid to defuse tension
Chen: Peacemaker or provocateur?
Cheney: U.S. determination 'unshakable'
Child sex abuse back in focus
Child sex details due to be aired
China boosts rural, health budget
China charges 3 HK-based Britons
China coal mine blast kills 28
China enshrines property rights
China fine tunes criteria for HK chief
China halts rights talks with U.S.
China halts rights talks with U.S.
China steps up pressure on Chen
China to send women into space
China turns attention to crime
China vows to tame economy
China warns on Taiwan crisis
China warns U.S. off Hong Kong
China's economy 'not overheated'
China's leaders taken to task
China: Taiwan threatens stability
China: We've beaten bird flu
Chinese bid to outdo Blaine stunt
Chinese bid to outdo Blaine stunt
Chinese bid to outdo Blaine stunt
Chinese fury over Japan detentions
Chirac condemns mosque attacks
Chirac keeps Raffarin as French PM
Chirac to act soon over poll rout
CIA thinks tape 'likely' voice of al-Zaw
Clash at Guatemala ex-dictator's court appear
Clashes across Kosovo leave 10 dead
Clashes as Taiwan mulls recount
Coalition to help collect war crimes evidence
Coca-Cola recalls UK bottled water
Coca-Cola recalls UK bottled water
Coke 'pure' water claim questioned
Coke shuts tap on Dasani in UK
Colombia drops plan to fumigate drug crops
Colombia machine-guns drug plane in jungle
Communist rebels attack Nepalese army barracks
Congo officials seize illegal uranium
Controller suspect 'lost control'
Convicted assassin becomes commander in Haiti
Countries commit to population control
Court hears gruesome sex details
Court opens Roh impeachment review
Court rejects brothel visits claim
Court ruling gives boost to bid to recall Chavez
Court win for Gitmo detainee Hicks
Cricket fans not the only winners
Curacao issues new measures during crime crisis
Cyprus talks reach critical phase
Day of mourning in Kosovo
Deadline for al Qaeda forces
Deadly attack on Iraq Green Zone
Deadly attack on Nepal phone tower
Deadly attacks rock Baghdad, Karbala
Deadly boat accident in India
Death crash plane 'in reverse'
Death ship 'suicide bomber' riddle
Deep-fried chocolate sandwich sells like hotcakes
Defeat 'bad omen' for Schroeder
Delegates gather for AIDS summit
Diana tells of confronting Camilla
Did al Qaeda hijack Spain poll?
Diplomats: Coup attempt in Congo
Disappointment over canceled German visit
Do you want Spam with that Spam?
Doctor calls Tiananmen a 'mistake'
Documentary on life with bin Laden
Documentary on life with bin Laden
Dogs take a lead over children
Double suicide over bird flu scare
Doubt over al Qaeda claim
Dramatic rescue of North Pole 12
DRC on alert after coup attempt
Drone may have spotted bin Laden in 2000
Duma backs Putin's choice for PM
Duma backs Putin's choice for PM
Dutch farewell Queen Juliana
Dutch queen mother dies
Dutroux case: Keys found near cell
Dutroux: I was child sex ring pawn
Egypt calls for U.S., European help with reform
Egypt offers to host Arab summit
Egypt unveils restored sarcophagus of Ramses VI
Eight of escaped Cole bombing suspects recaptured
Election blow for French PM
Embattled Polish PM announces resignation
Equatorial Guinea foils 'plot'
ETA violence has gripped Spain since 1968
Ethiopia considers dam on the Blue Nile
EU agrees anti-terror strategy
EU finds unity after Madrid
EU ministers condemn killing
EU mulls emergency terror summit
EU mulls emergency terror summit
EU names anti-terror coordinator
EU security officials probe blasts
EU tightens rules on piracy
EU to create 'anti-terror czar'
Europe papers ask: Who's next?
Ex-Daewoo executive found dead
Ex-Finnish PM denies Iraq charge
Ex-PM fears for life, seeks U.S. help
Ex-President Fujimori's daughter to marry in
Exit poll: Georgia president leads
Experts: War on terrorism could spawn new enemies
Explosives find in UK terror raid
Extraordinary scenes in Seoul
Familiar names in epic Greek clash
Family takes food feud to court
Fear grips Ivory Coast after clash
Ferry fire terror claim dismissed
Ferry sinks in Maldives
Ferry sinks: 23 dead, 100s missing
Fierce battle in al Qaeda hunt
Finnish bus, truck crash: 23 dead
Fire kills, traps Indonesia miners
Fish story: Burglar caught snacking on job
Five charged in Spain bombings
Five killed, more than 100 injured in soccer stamp
Flying Chilean grandmothers try for record
Flying colors for China's leaders
Flying without a pilot
Football chief shot in Belgrade
Forensics question Chen
Former Congo colonel denies torture
Former U.N. official: Black box 'put on shelf
Four charged in Madrid attacks
Four charged, Madrid toll now 190
Four Palestinians killed in Gaza raid
Four Rio policemen die in weekend violence
Four U.S. missionaries killed in Iraq
Four U.S. missionaries shot to death in Iraq
Four videos in a fortnight compromise politicians
Fox proposes sweeping justice reform
Fox questions why British military were in Mexico
France arrests 3 bomb suspects
France joins China navy drills
France releases 3 bomb suspects
Freed British cavers back home
French bombers 'suspend' campaign
French lawyer says he will defend Saddam
French soldier killed in Haiti gun accident
French troops set stage for relief
French voters punish Chirac
Fresh arrests in Spain bomb case
Fujimori hires lawyer to face corruption, abuse ch
Fujimori supporters launch new party
G8 riots: Police indictment sought
Gadhafi calls for unity at start of African Union
Gandhi heir makes political debut
Gay union status around the world
Gay unions common in the Netherlands
Georgia holds repeat elections
Georgia president lifts blockade
Georgia president sweeps polls
Georgia region declares emergency
Georgia region hit by blockade
Ghana evacuating its citizens from Equatorial Guin
Girl named Diot Coke back in 1379
Gitmo men arrested upon UK return
Goodman: Blasts come amid heightened security
Great Wall myth excised from textbooks
Greek conservatives reclaim power
Greek conservatives sweep to power
Greek PM takes charge of Olympics
Greek poll: Cliffhanger predicted
Greeks voting in landmark poll
Greeks voting in landmark poll
Guinness mystery finally solved
Gunmen ambush Mexican governor
Gunmen kill 3 in Uganda
Haider boost in early poll results
Haider future on line in poll
Haiti rebels threaten more strife
Haiti recalls envoy as Aristide arrives in Jamaica
Haiti's interim leader visits cradle of rebel
Haiti's interim president sworn in
Haitian Cabinet holds first session
Haitian premier criticizes Jamaica over Aristide v
Haitian premier works to form new Cabinet
Haitian rebels say they won't disarm before A
Haitians emerge to work, or party
Hamas founder killed in Israeli airstrike
Hamas names interim leader in Gaza
Hardline vigilantes disrupt women's rally in
Help Lesotho, says Prince Harry
High-tech snooping for bin Laden
Hijacker of Achille Lauro dead
Hijacker of Italian ship dead in U.S. custody in I
Hitler returns to heart of Berlin
HK backtracks on security law
Homemade bombs strike Zanzibar over weekend
Hope and fear: Journeys in the new Iraq
How Dutroux case shocked a nation
How Israel targets its enemies
How to impeach a president
Howard faces angry sugar farmers
Howard facing major poll challenge
Huge security for Belgian trial
Human impact threatens Great Wall
Impeachment rocks S. Korea stocks
Imprisoned American allowed to meet with husband
India tests medium-range missile
Indonesia security head offers to go
Indonesian cleric's jail term cut
Indonesian poll campaigns kick off
Iran 'lifts nuke inspection ban'
Iran abruptly cancels U.N. nuclear inspections
Iran starts up uranium site
Iran warns it may renege on nukes
Iran: Khatami reform bills shelved
Iranians celebrate fire festival
Iraq constitution talks to resume Monday
Iraq terror link rattles Canberra
Iraqi cleric calls 9/11 'miracle from God&apo
Iraqi cleric warns U.N. on constitution
Iraqi interim constitution set for signing Monday
Iraqis agree on interim constitution
Ireland bans smoking in workplaces
Irish diplomacy hailed at EU talks
Israel seeks sponsor of teen's suicide missio
Israeli helicopters fire at Gaza targets
Italy strike over pension, economy
Ivory Coast government falls apart amid violence
Ivory Coast opposition stays home
James Bond 'too tall' to be a spy
Japan cashes in on 'pretty boys'
Japan plans major defense review
Japan steps up islands' security
Jesse Jackson in Libya to revive U.S. ties
Kabila appeals for calm after alleged coup attempt
Karimov: U.S. ally with poor rights record
Kenya plans elephant relocation
Kenya seeks freeze on planned one-time ivory sale
Key facts about China
Key facts: Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
Key figures in Malaysia's poll
Key issues at China's NPC
Key issues in Taiwan's elections
Korea steps up security
Korea's interim leader urges calm
Koreas cancel economic talks
Koreas cancel economic talks
Kosovo marks NATO air war
Lad mag to venture into China
Landslide for Malaysia's moderates
Landslide Putin shrugs off critics
Landslide win for Putin
Last bids to sway Sri Lanka voters
Leaders condemn Yassin killing
Leaders gather for Madrid funeral
Leaders pledge terror fight boost
Lebanese riot police break up anti-Syria protest
Legislators vote to make divorce legal in Chile
Liberia probes reports of fighters training
Liberia: U.N. searches Taylor properties
Liberian warlord returns home, asks forgiveness
Libya declares mustard gas stockpiles
Libya signs snap checks agreement
Libyan 'suspect' in Musharraf kill plot
Life term sought for Lindh killer
Lindh killer jailed for life
Lingh killer 'not mentally ill'
Locust plague swamps Outback towns
London recalls bendy blaze buses
Looters pick through Aristide's villa
Love's labors not lost on workers
Low turnout Putin's only threat
Madrid detainee may have al Qaeda link
Madrid mourns bombing victims
Madrid probe widens to Germany
Madrid suspects set to be quizzed
Madrid: 'This is a massacre'
Malay PM vows to speed development
Malaysia rebuffs U.S. over nukes
Malaysia's mandate for moderation
Malaysia's political history
Malaysia: Key country facts
Malaysian PM calls early election
Man attacks U.S. Consulate; no one hurt
Man shot outside Mandela home
Manila foils 'Madrid-style' attack
Marchers demand stricter Islamic law
McDonald's hires daughter of Thai PM
McDonald's salad fattier than burger
Meat from accused killer's farm may have cont
Mexican police arrest 42 in migrant-trafficking ri
Mexicans trek to pyramids to mark equinox
Mexico arrests 42 for migrant smuggling
Mexico detains rescued cave explorers
Mexico expels British explorers
Mexico keeps British cavers in custody
Mexico rejects British explanations on cavers
Mexico's Fox promises action to solve murders
Mexico's Fox proposing major legal reforms
Mexico's Fox sends extra police to crime-torn
Millions missing from Rwandan public funds
Milosevic allies back Serb coalition
Minister's skydive daughter dies
Modern makeover for town's mermaid
Mortar attacks kill 2 U.S. soldiers
Movie star Poe wins VP's support
Musharraf: Al Qaeda is taunting me
Muslim group threatens France
Muslim leader urges organ trafficking investigatio
Muslims, Europeans 'wary' of U.S.
Mystery over new Russian weapon
N. Ireland talks end without deal
N. Korea threatens new demands
NATO rushes troops to Kosovo
NATO sends greetings to fugitive
NATO strengthens Kosovo force
New blast, shootout in Uzbekistan
New Canberra probe into WMD intel
New Greek PM tackles Cyprus
New Haiti PM 'not picked by U.S.'
New Haiti PM: Top priority to restore order
New Haitian Cabinet draws criticism
New Hamas leader: Bush is 'enemy of Muslims&a
New interim constitution for Iraq
New ministry for Villepin
New Russian foreign minister named
New tape said to be bin Laden's deputy
Nigeria grants asylum to Haiti's Aristide
Nigerian state balks at polio campaign
Nine dead in Afghan gunbattle
No 'deal' on Pakistan nuke pardon
No black box link to African crash
No word from French bomb group
North Korea raises nuclear tension
Nuclear inspectors condemn Iran
Nuclear link may haunt Malaysia PM
Nuke watchdog tackles violations
Nuke watchdog tackles violations
Official: Legal wrangling over Venezuela recall wi
Olympian task for new Greek leader
On the trail of bin Laden
One year after coup, little to celebrate in CAR
One-on-one with Ricky Gervais
Ousted Guinea-Bissau president back under house ar
Over 40 killed in Pakistan attack
Pakistan death toll reaches 50
Pakistan fighting slows amid talks
Pakistan finds tunnels in siege area
Pakistan tests long-range missile
Pakistan to be U.S. non-NATO ally
Pakistan tribal group releases 11
Pakistan: 100 fighters captured in battle
Pakistani sources: Al-Zawahiri surrounded
Pakistani troops search siege area
Palestinian sources: 14 dead in Gaza violence
Palestinian sources: Israeli air strike kills 3
Palestinian teen stopped with bomb vest
Palestinian woman killed during Israeli West Bank
Palestinians killed in border attack
Palestinians: Israeli strikes kill 4 in Gaza
Palestinians: Israeli tanks enter Gaza
Pan-African parliament launched
Panicked pilgrims flee blast sites
Peru scraps spy agency after scandals
Peruvian court: Fujimori may testify from Japan
Peruvian prosecutor seeks 30-year sentence against
Philippines averts terror attack
Plane-crash president buried
Pleas expected in child-sex trial
Plucky loser wins Japanese hearts
Poland 'willing to stay in Iraq'
Pole uses unique job-hunt technique
Police arrest 11 for kidnapping of pop singer&apos
Police break up Taiwan protests
Police chase Chen shooting leads
Police foil attempted car bombing in Colombian cap
Police launch crackdown against cocaine cartel
Police search for Madrid bombers
Police, former rebels clash in northern Haiti
Police: Three dead in camp riot
Polish leader: Troops stay in Iraq
Polish leader: WMD never existed
Poll: Iraqis say life better now
Pope: Sundays for God, not sport
Powell in Kabul amid offensive
Powell meets Spain's incoming PM
Powell wants Pakistan N-assurances
Powell, U.N. upbeat on N. Korea
Powell: U.S. 'patient' on N. Korea
Powerful blast shatters Baghdad hotel
Prince: Saudi people not ready to elect parliament
Private jets return to Asia
Pro-Aristide march in Haiti
Pro-U.S. candidate says he's won
Pro-U.S. media mogul wins El Salvador presidency
Profile: Alain Juppe
Prominent Palestinians call for restraint
Prosecutor recommends indicting Sharon
Prosecutors request Parmalat trial
Protesters rally against Iraq war, occupation
Protests as U.S. closes Iraqi paper
Protests as Venezuelan referendum hopes fade
Protests spread in Venezuela
Protests, praise after year of war
Putin claims second term
Putin claims second term
Putin names his choice for PM
Q&A: How Ireland views the ban
Q&A: Legal challenge for Sharon
Quebec ruling paves way for gay marriages
Quraishi: Pakistanis say al Qaeda #2 surrounded
Rare Vermeer to ignite auction fever
Rebel leader threatens Haiti PM
Rebel leader threatens Haiti PM
Rebels demand reform before disarming
Rebels enter police headquarters in Haitian capita
Recognition withheld from Haiti's government
Referendum fails for lack of votes
Reform differences postpone Arab summit
Refugees meet with families in Western Sahara
Report: Prosecutors recommend charging Sharon
Report: South Africa tried to help Aristide
Report: Taiwan to seal ballots
Report: U.S. abuses in Afghanistan
Rescue plan for trapped UK divers
Residents flee militia attack on west Sudan town
Rightist Haider makes gains in Austria
Rio police step up operations after bloody weekend
Roadside bomb in Kashmir kills 3
Roadside bomb kills two U.S. soldiers
Roadside bombs kill six soldiers
Robinson: Bin Laden aide likely would fight to the
Rodgers: Baghdad smolders after hotel blast
Roh defiant despite vote threat
Roh impeachment vote gets physical
Roh prepares defense amid protests
Rude parrot banned from royal ship
Russia blast death toll now 58
Russia opposes air marshal plan
Russia urges U.N. statement
Russia warns Georgia against force
Russian warplane maker looks West
Rwanda seeks genocide suspects abroad
Rwandan president defends democratic record
Rybkin quits presidential race
S. Korea rethinks Iraq troop plan
S. Korea rethinks Iraq troop plan
S. Korea votes to impeach Roh
S. Korea votes to impeach Roh
S. Leone war crimes court opens
Saddam 'enjoying' interrogation
Saddam's illegal oil profits higher than esti
Samurai killer gets life sentence
Saudi 'liberal reformers' arrested
Saudi's king approves rights panel
Schroeder hands over party reins
Scientists trapped in cave turn down rescue offers
Scores killed in Iraq blasts
Search begins for new IMF boss
Search for clues in Turkey bombing
Security closes UK Algiers embassy
Serbia braced for war crimes trial
Serbia to pay war crimes suspects
Serbs mark anniversary of PM death
Sharon calls for party's vote on disengagemen
Sharon's son ordered to hand over documents
Sheraton Hotel struck in Baghdad
Shiite Muslims' holiest day
Shiites move ahead despite concerns about interim
Shootout in Nigerian oil port kills five
Short notice for Malaysian poll
Six killed in ambush on U.S. military vehicle
Six killed in Kosovo clashes
Six suspects in Madrid blast
Slovaks charged over N. Korea arms
Small quake shakes western Nicaragua
Smokers barred from Irish pubs
Smoking barred from Irish pubs
Snake Man killed by cobra
Socialists reject ETA dialogue
Some 200 Haitians riot in Dominican custody
Sources: Bin Laden may be eyeing move
Sources: Palestinians held in deadly Gaza attack
Sources: S. Africa stymied suspected mercenaries
Sources: Yemen arrests suspect in Cole bombing
South Africa battles image as home to 'dogs o
Spain bombs: Moroccan group named
Spain mourns Madrid bomb victims
Spain threatens Iraq pull-out
Spain to double Afghanistan troops
Spain to host anti-terror summit
Spain tries to connect al Qaeda, train bombers
Spain vows to crush ETA
Spain's new leader firm on Iraq
Spain: Hunt stepped up for bombers
Spain: Poll triumph for Socialists
State of emergency declared in Haiti
Suicide bomber hits Bolivian Congress
Sunken treasure scheme scuttled
Supreme Court splits on Chavez recall
Suspect 'planned Australia attack'
Suspected mercenaries make first court appearance
Swaziland's king urges 'tough policies&a
Syrian authorities break up rare protest
Syrian on multiple Madrid charges
Taiwan grapples with recount plans
Taiwan opposition pulls Hitler ads
Taiwan polls 'could spark crisis'
Taiwan riled by poll deadlock
Taiwan turmoil: China calls on U.S.
Taiwan votes after Chen shooting
Taiwan's first referendum
Taiwan's long road to democracy
Taiwan's president vows to support recount
Taiwan: Chen hit by graft claims
Taiwan: The two candidates
Taliban caught in U.S. sweep
Tamil rebel warns of attack plot
Tamil Tigers sack breakaway leader
Tense calm prevails in Kosovo
Terror could sway Spanish poll
Terrorism: EU warns partners
Thai bomb blast injures at least 30
Thai PM replaces top ministers
Thai PM under fire over attacks
Thousands gather for Taiwan rally
Thousands march after Yassin's killing
Thousands mourn Hamas founder
Thousands mourn Kosovo children
Thousands mourn Kosovo children
Thousands mourn Mafia victim, 14
Three civilian workers killed in Iraq
Three held over casino 'scam'
Three held over casino 'scam'
Three U.S. troops reported killed in Iraq
Tight security on London transit
Timeline: Israeli assassinations
Toll hits 52 in Russia blast
Top diplomat: Democracy has not borne fruit
Touching base with cliches, 24/7
Trajkovski's body flown home
Trapped explorers led out of Mexican cave
Travel talk: have your say
Travel talk: have your say
Tribal law rules North West Frontier Province
Turkey quake kills nine
Turnout assures Putin of new term
Two charged over croc river bodies
Two dozen freed from Guantanamo
Two killed battling blaze in historic Moscow build
Two killed in attack on Mosul's city hall
U.N. discovers 'foul-up' in Rwanda probe
U.N. may suspend Gaza operations
U.N. may suspend Gaza operations
U.N. moves to freeze assets of former Liberian lea
U.N. official: Iran cooperating with nuke inspecto
U.N. officials deny allegations of oil-for-food co
U.S. backs Chad against extremists
U.S. congratulations anger China
U.S. denies role in Qatar arrests
U.S. displays nuclear equipment seized in Libya
U.S. envoy, Gadhafi hold first meeting since &apos
U.S. force in Haiti to reach 1,000 by Sunday
U.S. in secret Olympic operation
U.S. Marine shot and wounded in Haiti
U.S. may up high-tech ante in bin Laden hunt
U.S. military supports Chad forces
U.S. missionaries knew the risks of helping Iraqis
U.S. network airs Diana audiotapes
U.S. offers help with Uzbek terror
U.S. prepares Afghan offensive, bin Laden hunt
U.S. prepares Afghanistan offensive
U.S. to hit Syria with sanctions
U.S. trains anti- terrorism troops in Mali
U.S. vetoes resolution to condemn Yassin killing
U.S., Palestinians discuss Israel, Gaza
U.S.: Al Qaeda boss 'the Poet' killed
U.S.: Libya ships out nuke matter
U.S.: North Korea drug role likely
U.S.: Pakistan to be non-NATO ally
Uganda's president blames donors for lengthy
UK Iraq envoy: Bad days ahead
UK police probe suspect packages
UK releases all Gitmo returnees
UK troops 'ill prepared for Iraq'
UK: Mideast at 'fork in road'
UN: Civilian killed amid looting
UN: Polio cases spreading
Unmasked: 27 faces of men
Uribe wants 'friendly fire' deaths expla
Venezuela opposition slams 'errors' in v
Venezuela postpones decision on recall vote
Venezuela's opposition pleads for internation
Venezuelan court backs opposition in referendum di
Venezuelan crisis making life in capital chaotic
Venezuelans march to protest denial of recall effo
Victim's daughters 'shocked' by Abb
Victory for Turkey's conservatives
Video claims al Qaeda to blame
Video shows shooting suspect
Vietnam declares bird flu over
Villagers flee al Qaeda hunt
Violence and apathy for Nigerian vote
Volcano sends ash 20,000 feet in the air
War protesters mark anniversary
World outrage at Madrid attack
World solidarity for Madrid victims
World's oldest man dead at 114
Yassin: From refugee to spiritual leader
Yodellers lose clothing subsidies
Zapatero: Spanish 'not cowards'
Zimbabwe 'alert' over seized jet
Zimbabwe 'mercenaries' to be tried in ja
Zimbabwe preparing charges against suspected merce
Zimbabwe says it seized U.S.-registered plane
Zimbabwe seizes jet with 'suspected mercenari
Zimbabwe to charge suspects with plotting coup
Zimbabwe: Torture documentary 'unfounded rubb
Zimbabwe: West aided 'mercenaries'