english deutsch
'Cyclops'-like remains found on Crete
'DVD Jon' faces piracy appeal
'Mr. Magic Fingers' takes walk in space
'Skeptical environmentalist' rebuked
'Slammer' worm could pick up steam Monda
40th moon of Jupiter spotted
80,000 large-screen, analog TVs recalled
A look at shuttle security after 9/11
Action dominates new games
Activist: Ban gay-shooting game
Alaska eagles flock to oil-rich spots
Amazon's free shipping spurs others
Ants tunneling 'like crazy' in shuttle
Apple showcases new products at Macworld
Arrests raise concern over tech spies
As Net attack eases, blame game surges
Astronaut profits from sick peers again
Astronauts enjoy 'great start' aboard sh
Astronauts eye dust plumes from above
Astronauts heat up beds to cool off lab
Astronauts hunt for dust, pick Super Bowl faves
Astronauts make fireballs in experiment
At 74, Internet cowboy spreads wireless
Australian spiders are heading to space
Ballard: Black Sea a unique shipwreck museum
Battered record execs face the music
Big enemy of music-swapping resigns
Bill Gates' big payday: $99.5 million
Biltmore Estate dig yields Indian cache
Bishops seek saint for Internet
Boston Harbor may be cleaning itself
Bush to fund fusion energy machine
California's Monarch butterflies dwindling
Caribbean island for sale on eBay
Cat-and-mouse asteroid nears Earth
Cell phone magnate death ruled accident
Chatroom danger prompts new code
Chess champ takes on new supercomputer
Child porn: Even surfing can mean jail
China blasts charges against U.S. firms
China blocks Internet 'blog' site
China in massive mobile tech challenge
China to put man in space this year
China touts success in panda breeding
China: 'Sacred Vessel' flying normally
Chinese citizen pleads innocent in spy trial
Climate scientists find El Nino at South Pole
CNN talks with researcher about bug breathing
Collectors duke it out for old computers
Comet probe launch set back again
Coming soon: eBay TV show
Company unveils satellite TV for cars
Computer worm grounds flights, blocks ATMs
Copied cat hardly resembles original
Cops not amused at drunk driver's smiley
Could giant fans make deserts green?
Could new sea form from African valley?
Court okays dumping coal waste in streams
Daniel Sieberg: Fun before big game
Desktop printers used to make living tissue
DesXcape 150DM: Making your PC portable
Dinosaurs' flapping led to flight?
Distant planet with iron raindrops found
Drinking and driving for science's sake
Drivers license spam scam busted
Dude! You're getting a cash register
eBay accused of online slander
eBay auction stops for Caribbean isle
Einstein right: gravity fast as light
El Nino nearing end, but with a sting
Electronic attack slows Internet
EU bans cosmetics tested on animals
Europe shelves comet excursion for year
Experts try to track vicious 'Slammer' w
Experts: Best time to buy a PC is now
Experts: Internet attack hunt difficult
Family keeps pet eel in bath, for 33 years
Famous national parks among 'most endangered&
FBI may have aided Pentagon data project
FBI: Student spread DirecTV secrets
FDA warned of engineered super fish
Fears Internet attack may resume
Feds warn on high-tech gadgets in cars
Feel the sound with the Pyramat PM300
Flat sales forecast for gadgets
For sale: Personal strap-on aircraft
Four-winged dinosaur fossils found
France bans some oysters as oil pollutes coast
Gates pledges better software security
Giant star ring found around Milky Way
GM to offer satellite radio on most cars
Great Barrier Reef under threat
Gym bans camera phones in locker-rooms
Happy 20th birthday, Internet?
Hollywood snubs digital copyright plans
Holocaust survivor sends Torah to space
Home networks: A couch potato's dream
Hope over cure for deadly jellyfish
Huge military ID theft; reward offered
Human chess goof hands win to computer
Human, chess computer play to draw
Identity-theft complaints almost double in 2002
Inflight Internet takes off
Intel creates wireless chips for laptops
Intel slashes prices on laptop chips
Internet attack rattles assumptions
Internet cafe loses music-copying case
IRS: Ease tax-filing pain; pay on Net
Is she 'ppmm'? China's chat ups in
Israeli astronaut settles into mission
Jail for 'wipe-out' virus creator
Japan sees surge in active volcanoes
Japan sees surge in active volcanoes
Judge blocks test on Navy sonar risk to whales
Judge denies appeal in Microsoft ruling
Judge: Unmask Net song swapper
Kasparov defeats 'Deep Junior' in first
KaZaA fights back; files countersuit
Kazaa file-swapping lawsuit gets OK
Kids want their teachers sent to space
Legendary hacker to get unleashed and online
Logjam blocks HK child porn laws
Luxury, size, power dominate auto show
Major labels back Net music giveaway
Manure used to treat contaminated water
Marvel heroes conquer video games
Master keys easy to forge
Melting ice may open Arctic ship route
Message to space marks wireless centennial
Microsoft also gets slammed by worm
Microsoft gives Russia secret code
Microsoft IM outage hits millions
Microsoft IM outage hits millions
Microsoft must ship Java in 120 days
Microsoft settles suits for $1.1 billion
Microsoft to share secret code
Microsoft unveils smart watches, players
Microsoft's next frontier: wireless
Military robots well trained for war
Military rocket booster needs extra $1 bln?
Military satellite will watch Earth, sun weather
Monsoons linked with global climate
Music industry makes war plans
Music industry site hacked again
Music official: Online piracy costs jobs
Music, tech groups OK copyright plans
Mystery man named in Xbox hack contest
NASA delays launch of two satellites from Vandenbe
NASA finishing up work on Mars rovers
NASA looks for more teacher astronauts
NASA: Shuttle should launch next week
Nature, not aliens, make odd Arctic rings
NBA launches Chinese-language Web site
Net worm could be from China
New chair: Turbocharged magic fingers
New game 'There' puts you there
New York goes face to face with Neanderthal
Nintendo to launch snazzier console
Oil from sunken tanker reaches France
Old tablet from King Solomon's Temple?
Palestinian, Israeli fly tests on shuttle
PDA sales hit slump
Pentagon to offer combat videophones
Pentagon to offer combat videophones
Pentagon: $1 million prize in robot race
Personal info fills junked hard drives
Phones lose millions of text messages
Pilot whales crash-land on NZ beach
Possible terror ties devastate tech firm
Primates take jungle drug during pregnancy
Protest slams Dell's use of prison labor
Q&A: Orangutan scientist talks with CNN
Rare moss ends 130 years of celibacy
Rare vampire bats dodge death in desert town
Record biz sings new tune on piracy
Robbie Williams: Music piracy 'great'
Rocket carrying NASA satellites launched into spac
Rocket launch honors September 11 victims
San Francisco bans Segway
Scam artists prowl online auction sites
School to use eye scan for lunch fees
Scientists find El Nino's grandparents
Scientists map fourth human chromosome
Scientists question Bush panel picks
Scientists uncover how brain perceives color
Scorpions can set venom on stun or kill
Seattle struggles to be recycling king
Sex a stab in dark for confused octopus
Shuttle astronauts spot 'elf'
Shuttle begins experiments with space menagerie
Shuttle cleared for Thursday launch
Shuttle crew takes break for CNN interview
Shuttle flight almost had all-female crew
Shuttle sees smoke sculpt clouds
Shuttle takes first Israeli into space
Shuttle, station crews take break
Silicon Valley high-tech rents tumble
Some insects lose, regain flying ability
Something smells rosy on space shuttle
Space crews remember fallen astronauts
Space shuttle astronauts videotape new arc of ligh
Spacecraft to measure Earth-bound solar radiation
States sue Bush administration on clean-air rules
Studies: Exxon Valdez oil still harmful
Study reveals complex orangutan culture
Study: Antarctic ice sheet may melt in 7,000 years
Study: Cell phones 'blind' drivers
Study: Global warming spurs migrations
Study: Male spiders prefer plumper partners
Study: Net now more important than TV
Study: Spam costs businesses $13 billion
Success for NZ whale rescue effort
Supreme Court backs off DVD-copying case
Swiss town leads way with Internet vote
Tanker rust to worsen Spain oil spill
Techie rethinks disclosing flaws
Teen cleared in landmark DVD case
Terrorism fears may muzzle science
The LightWedge: A better way to read in the dark
Three new moons found around Neptune
Toothbrush trounces car as top invention
Top Bush cyber security chief resigns
U.S. charges Boeing, Hughes helped China illegally
U.S. deploys monitors for germ attacks
U.S. launched first satellite 45 years ago
UK had taste for dairy 6,000 years ago
Unmanned Chinese space capsule lands safely
Unmanned robot attack planes take flight
US firms accused of giving China space tech
Verizon asks for stay of Net ID ruling
Video game playing politico says sorry
Voices on the future
War-weary Israelis cheer first astronaut
Warnings of solar bursts improved
Web cafe anger at 'burning' defeat
What to expect in tech
Why don't they make stuff that won't bre
Wireless, wearable, and wondrous tech
X-ray shows how bugs really breathe
Yahoo! adds video, voice to online dating