english deutsch
Directories, Organizations, ACS Writing and Journalism Dept., American Press Institute Media Center, Asian College of Journalism, Bob Baker's Newsthinking, Bournemouth Media School at Bournemouth University, Broadcast Journalism Course Outline, Career Connection: radio broadcasting school studi, Center for Environmental Journalism, Central Michigan University - Journalism, Christian Science Monitor - Inside the Monitor
Conflict Reporting, First Amendment, Minorities, Copyright and Intellectual Property, CPB - Ethics Guide for Public Radio Journalism, Crunch Times, CyberJournalist.net, Diversity Watch, Ethics in Journalism, Final Days? - A Newsroom Diary, Freedom of speech in Egypt., Intellectual Property on the Net, International News Safety Institute
A, B, C, D, Directories, E, F, G, H, I
Regional, American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors, American Society of Journalists and Authors, American Society of Newspaper Editors, American Sportscasters Association, Associated Press Managing Editors, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass C, Association of Christian Journalists - Christian J, Association of Israel Journalists, Haifa and the N, Association of Young Journalists, Association of Young Journalists and Writers
Agencies, Archives and Stock, Magazines, Music Photography, Photojournalists, A Day in the Life of Africa, British Press Photographers Association, Moth house, Photog Lounge, Photojournalism, PhotoJournalism, Photojournalism From The Soul, PhotoMission, PICS - Photojournalism in Cyberspace, Picture Editors' Awards
Big News Network.com, British Journalism Review, Columbia Journalism Review, J-Log, Les Pages de Sanou MBaye, Making the Global Local, Media Magazine, Online Journalism Review, WritersWeekly.com - Archives
EPIC 2014
The future of journalism. A prediction. [Flash].
Ethics and Credibility in Online Journalism
An overview of ethics and credibility in online journalism.
Extra!: The Magazine of FAIR
Features hard-hitting media criticism and analysis of the news behind the news.
Inside The News Network
The aim is to provide people an opportunity to report on news events and to discuss news events. Articles, columns and forum.
Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)
Consortium of policy researchers seeking to broaden public discourse by gaining media access for those whose perspectives are commonly drowned out by corporate-backed think tanks and other influential institutions.
Mailing list on the history of journalism and mass communication. Site includes subscription information, mailing list archive, and web resources.
Center for investigative reporting. Nonprofit news organization dedicated to exposing injustice and abuse of power through the tools of journalism. Recent investigations, tools and contact details.
News Blues
TV News insiders dish the dirt on America's television newsrooms.(Subscription based.)
Pew Center for Civic Journalism
Centerpiece of The Pew Charitable Trusts' initiative to stimulate citizen involvement in community issues.The project partners major print and broadcast news organizations, helping them reconnect to their communities in ways that help engage their citizens in dialogues that can lead to problem solving.
Reporters Aptitude Test
Do you have what it takes, ethically and morally, to be a reporter/journalist in today's society? Take this test and find out.
The Daily Howler
Covers the mistakes of the Washington press and pundits
Topix.net: Journalism
News collected from diverse sources on the web.
TV Rundown
Information and about television news and public service projects, analysis of news coverage, career and study resources.
War Stories
A Newseum exhibit that focuses on war journalists and journalism.