english deutsch
Site promoting ideals of capitalism as beneficial to society, based on objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand. Includes Capitalism Magazine.
Challenging Corporate Power
Interview with Richard Grossman about extent of corporate power and call for reform. Grossman is co-director of the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy,
Corporate Futures
Can corporations contribute to positive change in the world? Or are they inevitably a part of the problem? A dialogue on that question between Paul Hawken, a leading advocate of sustainable business, and David Korten, well-known for his call for a "post-corporate" world. From Yes journal. Summer 1999.
Ending Corporate Governance: Revoking Our Plutocr
Site proposing alternatives to power of corporations over modern society.
International Chamber of Commerce
Business in Society Page. News from international business advocacy organization. (Includes links to other issues pages and sections of ICC site.)
Interview with Noam Chomsky
Interview with linguist and cultural analyst, discussing rise of corporate power and how it relates to the Microsoft anti-trust case. (From CorpWatch.)
Laissez Fear
Author Virginia I. Postrel contnds that free markets create a dynamic situation which leads to progress, and both the left and traditional conservatives fear that dynamism,because they crave authority and stability. From libertarian Reason magazine.
Method to the Merger Madness:
"Revisiting the '80s takeover boom" by Dale Arthur Oesterle. Commentary contending the public overreacted to 80's takeover boom, which created unnecessary regulatory barriers to mergers in the 90's.From conservative Heritage Foundation.
Michael Moore
Website of the gadfly of corporations, creator of the film Roger and Me and the television show The Awful Truth.
Production v. Force
Corporate power is preferable to government power, because businesses only maintain their position by the quality of production and consumer demand, according to article by Robert W. Tracinski, chairman of The Center for the Moral Defense of Capitalism.