Chameleons Online
Offers general and species specific information on the care of chameleons. Includes things to think about before buying a chameleon.
Colorado Herpetological Society Care Sheets
Care of lizards, snakes, and basic tortoise care.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Frogs
A guide to taking care of pet frogs. Includes information people should know before they get their first frog.
Green Iguana Society Kid's Club
Provides information on iguana care. Also, take a quiz, color, or do a word puzzle about iguanas.
The Turtle Puddle
Information about turtles and how to care for them. Includes sections on health issues, jokes and legends, and kids' questions.
There's a Turtle in the House
How to care for a box turtle indoors.
Zach's Lizard Land
Photos, facts, and insights on Leopard Swifts, Blue-Tailed Skinks, Eastern Fence, Chinese Water Dragons, and other lizards. Photos are of Zach's pets and those of a friend.