BBC Leeds: Truancy
Includes a film in which Emma Coleman, a seventeen year old, tells her true story.
Bully OnLine: School Truancy
Considers truancy as an outcome of bullying at school. Includes links to statistics and excerpts from news reports.
Channel 4: Truancy
Information about why young people might want to miss school and the consequences of truancy.
Junior Jury: Truancy
An article in which teenagers from the North of England give their opinions on truancy.
King County: Truancy Talk
Resources by the Prosecuting Attorney including information about legal issues and reasons to stay in school.
Sacramento City Unified School District: Truancy
Provides an overview of the consequences of missing school.
YoungMinds: Education
Discusses the problems that a teenager might face at school and suggests ways of facing these difficulties and avoiding truancy.
Youth Information: Playing Truant
An article written for teenagers about the causes and effects of truancy. Includes information about the New Start initiative.