#1 Teenage Suicide.com
Focuses on prevention and includes danger signs and help with teenage depression.
Adolescent Suicide in the School Setting
How school staff and students can detect and intervene to prevent suicide.
Befrienders International
A resource with referrals to thousands of suicide helplines worldwide. Includes information about how to help someone who is suicidal and the warning signs of suicide.
Extreme River: radical perspectives
Radical help for those suffering from depression or considering suicide
Focus Adolescent Services
Resources and information on teen suicide, depression, personality disorders and other issues affecting teens and their families.
I'll Stand by You
This is a site for teens and young adults who are suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts and self injury. Get advice or come support others.
If You Are Thinking about Suicide...Read This Firs
Five things to think about and help for getting resources greater than the pain.
Kids in Trouble Help Page
Site dedicated to helping kids and teens that are being abused, or runaways, or those thinking about running away or suicide. Site also includes emergency phone numbers, and helpful links.
Nemours Foundation
Explains depression and other risk factors that can create temporary or long-term feelings that death is the answer.
Phsyco's Realm v1.0
Contains personal and helpful information about suicide, depression, bipolar disorder, and mental illness.
Please Help Prevent Teen Suicide
Early warning signs, coping, getting help, what to do, what NOT to do, etc.
Preventing Teen Suicide
Some things you should know about preventing teen suicide, provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Public Information: Teen Suicide
Provided by the American Psychiatric Association.
Suicide and Schools
A look at what schools can do to help prevent suicide and what they can do after one has occurred.
Suicide and Teens
Help is available for teens who experience depression and thoughts of suicide. Preventing suicide and surviving it.
Teen Line Online
This is a place to seek professional help for those who are contemplating suicide, know someone who is, or is a survivor of a suicide victim.
Teen Suicide
An epidemic of the 90's. Warning sign, advice and other information.
Teen Suicide Help
Help for suicidal teens, including links to other help sites.
The Jason Foundation, Inc.
Provides information about youth suicide and provides free educational material for teachers / youth workers. JFI now has programs in 36 states and three foreign countries.
The Other Side of the Trigger
Dealing with the thoughts and pain that lead to suicide, by one who's been there.
The Preventative
Offers suicide prevention information and articles.
With One Voice
A powerful and moving musical drama and crisis program aimed at student, professional, family and community audiences with the goal of diminishing suicide statistics.
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
Depression and loneliness cause thousands of youth who appear to be happy to scream silently in the deepest emotional pain. The YRSPP aims to help.
Youth Suicide Prevention Information
San Pedro, California site with information furnished by Los Angeles Unified School District Student Health and Human Services Division.
Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Dedicated to reducing youth suicide and suicidal behaviors in Washington State. Promotes youth voice, youth-generated media messages, peer advocacy.
Youth Suicide Prevention Programs
A resource guide on the prevention of suicide.