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Bletchley Park - Station X
Bletchley Park Trust. During World War II, the German secret codes were broken here. Many radio amateurs were involved in the interception and decoding.
Bletchley Park Group.
History of the site, details of tours and opening hours, links to related sites.
Boatanchors Museum
A private collection belonging to KF6GK of vintage amateur radio equipment including Halicrafters SX-111, SX-62A, NC-300, NC-98, NC-188, and TR-4.
Drake Virtual Museum
From Belgium. In 1943 a young electrical engineer, with a background in radio design, lauched the R. L. Drake company.
Grid Dip Meters
A private collection of N4XY highlighting the history of the Grid Dip Oscillator (GDO).
Hammond Museum of Radio
Located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, features over 1,000 operational receivers and transmitters from the Spark era to the first Solid State HRO.
Historical Electronics Museum
Information and exhibits of a TBL receiver, and other historic radio items. Located in Linthicum, Maryland.
K2TQN Old Radio Museum
Museum features historic radio equipment, emphasizing pre-World War II and featuring an authentic 1933 ham radio station.
Kodiak Military History Museum
Historic collection of radio and electronics equipment.
Maritime Park Association Submarine Museum
Established aboard the USS Pampanito (SS-383) exhibits include old Model TBL radio receiver and related equipment.
Museum of Radio and Technology
Contains vintage radios, TVs, tubes, parts, posters, ham, military and communication radios, early hi-fi, broadcast transmitter, early computers, a large CB radio collection, and related exhibits.
National Valve Museum
A collection of thermionic valves for radio, television completely databased with all exhibits illustrated.
Pals Radio Station Museum
A historic tribute of the shortwave radio station 'Radio Liberty'.
Radio Museum
Review of the last 75 years in the history of radio. Located in Rottenburg, Germany.
Ray Robinson's Museum
A collection of military and broadcast receivers including photographs and descriptions.
Sparks, Waves and Wizards: Communications at Sea
An interactive, exhibition that tracks the history of maritime communication, from hand-held semaphore to orbiting satellite. Located in San Francisco, California.
Steve Hill's Radio Museum
A private collection of VK4CZT includes some unusual radios.
Swan Virtual Radio Museum
Presents the history of Swan, including pictures of each piece of equipment, description, specifications, schematics, parts lists, and a hints and tips section.
The Southern Appalachian Radio Museum
Located in Asheville, North Carolina, offers a collection of historic radio and related equipment and exhibits.
The Virtual Radio Museum
Located in the United Kingdon, offers pictures and information on a variety of vintage radios and test equipment.
Virtual Collins Radio Museum
A collection of Collins radio equipment from 1946 to 1979 on virtual exhibit.
W1FJI Wireless Museum
Contains early radio, and vintage equipment information. Located in Tallahassee , Florida.
W3GR Club Station
Exhibits a Navy TBL receiver and related radio equipment used in submarines and other radio related equipment.
Western Historic Radio Museum
Located in Virginia City, Nevada offers information on wireless, and radio apparatus from 1915 through the 1950s.