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Access Idaho - Just For Kids
Information about the state of Idaho, focusing on education, health and safety, government, laws, and finance.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
History links.
Alaska Kewl Kids
All the state facts you need, wildlife video gallery, and tips on staying healthy and safe in The Last Frontier.
Teaches kids about Allentown, Pennsylvania's government and history. Play games, learn about Allentown events and visit other kid friendly websites.
Arizona Governor's Kids Page
State facts, pictures of Arizona's natural wonders and wildlife, and a coloring book to download.
California State Assembly - Your Idea Becomes a La
Play this game to design your own bill and watch it become law in the State of California.
Colorado Kids' Page
Designed for elementary students, the state Governor has provided links to information about the history, government, geography, environment, as well as pictures of Colorado.
ConneCT Kids
Official kids website for the State of Connecticut which provides information created by government agencies for young adults.
CPL Kids Pages: Michigan Government
Canton, Wayne County, state, and federal links from the Canton Public Library.
Florida Kids
A place for Florida kids to learn, explore, and amuse themselves with Florida history and education.
Georgia Kids
A virtual journey through Georgia to learn about state history, landmarks, and government.
Idaho Kid Book
Facts including the state song, biography of the governor, Idaho history, geography, and elected officials. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Illinois Kid Zone
Learn about Illinois government, its seal and symbols, and the capitols it has had. Also includes state environment and nature as well as bike and fire safety tips.
Kansas State Historical Society Kids
History and famous people from Kansas are featured on this site.
Louisiana Information for Students
Links to historical and cultural information about Louisiana.
Maine Secretary of State's Kid's Page
Learn about the State of Maine. Includes games, history, famous people, places to visit, government, and contests.
MD Kids' Page
Maryland state facts including famous citizens, places to visit, census by county, and geography.
MI Kids
With an overview of interesting sights, the natural environment, state government and history, and an interactive map.
Minnesota State Kids' Zone
Fun activities, help with state reports and links to other state government resources.
Minnesota Student Page
History, government, state symbols, elections, and trivia (including the state muffin).
Missouri Kids Page
State facts, happenings at the Governor's mansion, and coloring book of the state symbols.
Montana is for Kids
Montana facts, history, and fun things for kids to do around the state.
Nebraska - Unicam Kids
Facts, history, and the process of government of the Nebraska legislature.
Nebraska Governor's Kids' Page
Learn about the state governor and get facts for state reports.
Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs
Historical information on the state of Nevada.
Nevada Kids' Page
This site provides links to Nevada facts along with some fun and interesting projects.
New Hampshire State Senate for Kids
Quick facts about New Hampshire including state emblem, flower, animal, and sport.
New Jersey - Hangout NJ
This state web site contains content, graphics, games, and activities that will simultaneously inform and entertain kids.
New Jersey Legislature: Kids' Page
Information on the legislature, how laws are enacted, and the state seal and symbols. Also, puzzles and games on these topics.
New Mexico Fast Facts
A source for fun, interesting, and useful information about New Mexico and its citizens.
New York State Assembly Kids' Page
Learn about the Assembly and the state of New York.
New York State Department of State Kids' Room
Facts about New York State.
North Carolina Government's Kids' Page
List of many state and private sector resources available to children in North Carolina.
North Carolina Kids Page
An online almanac of state facts, government, legends, and photos.
North Carolina...for Kids!
A website for children presented by the State of North Carolina.
North Dakota: Kidzone
History, state symbols, places to visit, and famous North Dakotans.
Ohio Kids Home Page
Ohio Public Library Information Network information for kids of all ages.
Oklahoma - A Student's Guide
Explore the heritage and history of Oklahoma
Oregon Blue Book for Kids
Online tour of the State Capitol, Oregon history, state symbols, and government links.
Pennsylvania Department of State Teen Page
Learn about voting and politics in the state of Pennsylvania
Rhode Island General Assembly
Provides information related to Rhode Island's history and government.
South Carolina Legislature Online - Student Page
Learn about the state assembly with live broadcasts from the state house, Senator and Congressman biographies, and the full text of the state constitution. Also includes basic facts about the state, quizzes, and homework help.
South Dakota State Department of Environment and N
Learn about the state watershed and environmental issues.
Texas Senate Kids
Explore the Texas Capitol and learn all about the state government through a virtual tour, games, trivia, and other online activities.
Utah - Kid's Page
Links to government and political topics.
Virginia Legislature
Has information about how bills become laws, as well as virtual tours, an activity center, and a trivia test section.
Washington State Legislature Kid's Page
State symbols and trivia, how a bill becomes a law, and links to other Washington state kids' pages.
West Virginia: Kids' Page
Facts about the state, its people, and its government. Also downloadable in .pdf format.
Wisconsin Department of Justice for Kids
Facts about Wisconsin, Internet safety, health and safety quizzes for kids and information about the Attorney General.
Wyoming - Kid's Page
All about the state, its schools, its stories, and its wildlife. Includes puzzles and games.