By State
Access Idaho - Just For Kids, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Alaska Kewl Kids,, Arizona Governor's Kids Page, California State Assembly - Your Idea Becomes a La, Colorado Kids' Page, ConneCT Kids, CPL Kids Pages: Michigan Government, Florida Kids
Electoral College, Ben's Guide: Election Process, C-SPAN.ORG - Campaigns & Elections, Channel One - One Vote 2004, Election 2000, Election 2004, FactMonster - U.S. Elections, Federal Election Commission, Iz and Auggie Go to the Polls, Kids Voting Kansas, Kids Voting USA
A Declaration of Independence of the United States
Includes text, signers and links.
Ask Government
Students participate in live monthly webcasts with government leaders by asking questions and offering comments about their government.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Teaches kids from kindergarten through 12th grade about the Federal Government.
Center for Youth Citizenship
Non-profit organization that offers programs in law, government, cultural literacy, and conflict management for young people.
Central Intelligence Agency Homepage for Kids (K-5
Learn what they do, focusing on activities of particular interest to kids. Includes links to other US government sites for kids.
CIA's Homepage for Kids (6th-12th Grades)
Learn what they do, focusing on activities of particular interest to kids. Includes links to other US government sites for kids.
Congress for Kids
Uncle Sam guides students on a tour of the federal government.
Crossroads: Choosing Liberty
What government is all about and why it matters to you. Interactive text, with quizzes. Includes text of core documents.
DOJ Kids and Youth
Find out how the court system works, who's on the FBI's 10 most wanted list, and how you can help prevent crime. Separate sections are offered for kids, teens, and teachers.
Foreign Affairs for America's Youth
U.S. government site helps students examine diplomacy, social studies, government, and global issues.
Grolier - The American Presidency
With profiles of former presidents and candidates, an overview of the electoral process, quizzes, video and audio clips.
Kids in the House
Teaches kids about Congress, the federal government, and lawmaking. With downloadable lesson plans and games.
Model Congress
Annual event at New York City's Midwood High School allows students to study Congress, the Constitution, politics, and rules of formal debate. Site includes text of U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Oyez Baseball
Builds Supreme Court knowledge through America's favorite pastime. Compares baseball players and Supreme Court Justices through facts and trivia questions in an interactive ball game.
PBS Kids Democracy Project
Visitors can take a tour of government, follow the President for a day, and decide which election issues are most important to kids.
Pennsylvania YMCA Youth & Government
Intends to bring the workings of PA state government alive to students, by having them write a bill and persuade others to make it a law.
Social Security Kids Stuff
Animal friends give a simple explanation of how the U.S. Social Security system works.
Takes young people through the branches of government, exploring how each of them works. Focuses on getting teens politically educated and involved.
Features debate and discussion boards, political questions and answers, and information about U.S. government.
The Constitution of the United States
The US Constitution, its articles and amendments.
The Five Freedoms:First Amendment Rights
Outlines the basic rights afforded Americans in the First Amendment.
The White House for Kids
A history and tour of the White House especially for kids.
Who's Who in the Federal Government
Biographical information on all current US government officials, including senators, ambassadors and committee members.