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Capital Punishment: Life or Death?
Students present a series of arguments for and against the death penalty.
Chicago Teen Law
Information for teens about the law, their rights and responsibilities, and legal careers.
DOJ USA For Kids
An overview of the role of an Assistant United States Attorney in the criminal justice system and the stages of a criminal prosecution.
Law for Kids
An educational resource explaining Arizona laws affecting kids in understandable terms.
Massachusetts: The Ladybug Story
How a second grade class made a new law. Story in writing and animation.
National Teen Courts of America
Information, articles and research on the subject.
Separation and Divorce
Flash animated guides to divorce, one for children aged 5-12, and a second for preteens and teenagers, from the Government of British Columbia, Canada.
The Federal Judiciary
Explains how the U.S. court system functions. Includes answers to frequently asked questions.
What's Happening In Court
An activity book for children and families who are going to court in California, whether they are visitors, witnesses, or involved in a case.
Window on the Law
Provides an overview of the Australian legal system and includes a searchable database of the nation's laws.
Information on the workplace rights of teenagers, with additional information for employers, parents and educators.