Ancient Egypt: Writing, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Hieroglyphics, KidZone Hieroglyphics, Learn All about Reading Hieroglyphics, Mummies of Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphs
CultureFocus: The Pyramids of Giza, Encarta Encyclopedia: Pyramids, Encyclopedia Smithsonian: The Egyptian Pyramid, Nova Online: Explore the Pyramids, Pyramids: The Inside Story, Secrets of Lost Empires: Pharaoh's Obelisk, The Construction of the Pyramids, The Great Pyramid of Giza
Ancient Egypt
Provides an introduction to hieroglyphics, religion, the pyramids, and burial practices. Includes pictures.
Ancient Egypt
An in-depth look at the geography, daily life, art and architecture of the ancient Egyptians, from the Saint Petersburg Times.
Ancient Egypt
Includes information on Egyptian life, gods and goddesses, mummification, rulers, pyramids, temples, time, trade, and writing, as well as games to play online. From the British Museum.
Ancient Egypt
Presents the different historical periods in terms of buildings, discoveries, and people. Includes photographs and a hieroglyphic alphabet.
Ancient Egypt Discovery Case
Comprehensive guide from the Royal Ontario Museum includes interactive timeline, maps, an introduction to the age of the pharaohs, an overview of culture and beliefs, quizzes, and ideas for period craft projects.
Ancient Egypt for Children
Spell your name in hieroglyphics, look at Egyptian wall painting, and learn about the temple of Abu Simbel.
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Includes puzzles, pyramid maze, 3D Egyptian art, coloring book and kids trivia test.
Ancient Egypt Kid Connection
Fun and fascinating facts about the region, its culture, and its people. Includes links to related games, crafts, and quizzes.
Ancient Egypt Project
Provides information about the history of the region, its geography, religious practices, and daily life.
Ancient Egypt Web
More than a dozen illustrated reports written by primary students.
Ancient Egypt Webquest
Learn about daily life, mummies, hieroglyphics, King Tut, Egyptian games, and archaeology.
Ancient Egyptian and Nubian Art
Learn about the artwork featured at Emory University's permanent ancient Egyptian art collection.
Ancient Egyptian Art and Culture
Looks at religion, social and cultural life, hieroglyphics, and art.
At the Tomb of Tutankhamen
A multimedia presentation from National Geographic describes the opening of the tomb in 1923 and shows the treasures that were found inside.
BBC - History - Egyptians
Includes articles, timeline and multimedia zone.
CMA Kids: Egyptomania
Find out about pyramids, mummies and daily life, as well as learning why some animals were worshipped. Includes quiz, coloring section, and a pharaoh mask to make.
Color Me Egypt
Learn about the country, its history, pyramids, and people. Includes activities, coloring pages, and games.
Deep in the Tombs of Egypt
Watch a short movie about mummies, learn to draw like an Egyptian, or read ancient Egyptian tall tales.
Egypt Fun Guide
A simple introduction to hieroglyphics, mummies, the pyramids, the Nile River, and the archeological challenges posed by the region. Also includes a vocabulary guide, craft project, and crossword puzzle.
Egypt Quest
Includes instructions for making a timeline, photo galleries and resource links.
Egypt's Golden Empire
Interactive PBS site portrays Egyptian life at the height of the New Kingdom. Includes a look at the Pharoahs who led the nation to the peak of its glory. Requires Flash plug-in.
Includes information about papyrus, mummies, ancient and modern-day life and links.
Egyptian Adventure
Provides information about rulers, places, and ways of life. Also includes a quiz to take after reading the information.
Egyptian Research by Evan and Orla
Discusses many psychological, physical, and social aspects of life in ancient Egypt.
Enchantment of Ancient Egypt
Read about pharaohs, mummies, sphinxes, and pyramids. Play games including an Egyptian maze and a word scramble.
Evan and Orla's Egyptian Research Page
General information and basic history of the region. Created especially for elementary school students.
Life in Ancient Egypt
Virtual display from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History provides a glimpse into the world itself, daily life, religion and funeral customs.
Little Horus
Egyptian web site designed and developed specially for kids around the globe. Information, games, and history. Website in English, French, and Arabic.
Mysteries of Egypt
Learn ancient Egyptian topics including government, daily life, and clothing. From the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Mysteries of the Nile
Explore both the New and Old Kingdoms of Egypt and learn how teams built an obelisk.
Neferchichi's Tomb
Provides information for kids and amateur Egyptologists. Includes clip art, lesson plans, activity ideas, and facts about mummies.
Nile File
A child-friendly interactive guide to the history of Ancient Egyptians, including their lifestyle, work, and religion.
Devoted to the tombs and mastabas of ancient Egypt. Includes photos and maps. [English and French].
Pharaohs Exhibition
See artifacts on loan to the Cleveland Museum of Art from the Louvre Museum in France. Includes a timeline of dynasties and rulers plus info on hieroglyphs.
Rosetta Stone's Pharaoh Adventure
Interactive site takes visitors back to the days of the pharoahs. Includes craft project, printable coloring pages, and a list of recommended books. From the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Secrets of the Pharaohs
Interactive guide to Egypt's artistic past. Includes maps, timelines, and photographs. From PBS.
The Ancient Egypt Site
Experience the wonder of Ancient Egypt, its history, language, and culture, with an Egyptologist as a guide.
The Children's Gallery
Drawings by sixth graders provide a glimpse into the ancient Egyptian world.
The Curse of Tut : Fact of Myth
Learn about the life of King Tut. See pictures of his tomb, solve the Lock-Key Puzzle to see Tut smile.
The Egypt Experience
Provides brief descriptions and photographs of key places, as well information on the nation's art. Includes related links.
The Tomb of Tutankhamon
Tells the story of the pharaoh and his burial place. Draws from the journal of Howard Carter, who led a historic excavation in 1922.
The Wonders Of Ancient Egypt
Virtual journey into the world of the ancient Egyptians includes information on the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, and Tutankhamun's tomb.
Theban Mapping Project
Archaeologists in Egypt's Valley of the Kings have been posting their discoveries on the web nearly as soon as they are made. Over 100 rooms have been discovered already.
Tour Ancient Egypt
Meet the ancient pharaohs, gods, kings, queens, monuments; dive the Virtual Red Sea; or use the hieroglyphics converter. Official site of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
Tour of Egypt
Thinkquest site explores ancient Egyptian life, art and culture.
Virtual Egypt: The Daily Papyrus
Learn about pyramids, hieroglyphics, and mummies, through articles, photos and multimedia. Presented in the style of an ancient newspaper.