American Presidents: George Washington
A collection of facts and trivia about Washington's life. George Washington
Provides a short biography of America's first president.
Encyclopedia Americana: George Washington
A detailed biography written for students. Includes Washington's inaugural addresses and a fact file.
George Washington
Biographical article covers both his military and presidential career.
George Washington
Short biography from the official White House site.
George Washington
A biography and related links, along with one of Washington's earliest writings, stories of his life, and his first and second inaugural addresses.
George Washington Papers
Library of Congress site which presents its collection of 65,000 Washington documents. Each page of these documents has been photographed and is presented online. Site also includes a timeline of his lie and a selection of essays.
Historic Valley Forge: George Washington
Documents and stories from the life of the man who led colonial troops through the harsh winter at Valley Forge.
Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
See what Washington's home looked like when he was alive.
New Book of Knowledge: George Washington
An encyclopedic biography written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and first inaugural address.
OSV - George Washington Quiz
An interactive quiz about America's first president.
POTUS -- George Washington
Includes portrait, a short list of biographical facts, and related links.
Sulgrave Manor
The ancestral home, in England, of George Washington's family.
The American President: George Washington
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.
The History Place - George Washington Picture Gall
Sixteen drawings of the life and times of America's first president.
The Life of George Washington
Online version of a biography originally published in 1808. Historian David Ramsay, who authored the book, was a contemporary of Washington.
USA: Index on George Washington
A collection of Washington's speeches and papers.
Washington, George
Article from Encarta Encyclopedia provides an overview of Washington's life.