A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madiso
Paul Jennings, Madison's slave for many years, writes about the burning of the White House and his master's death.
American Presidents: James Madison
A collection of facts and trivia about Madison's life.
Encyclopedia Americana: James Madison
A detailed biography written for students. Includes Madison's inaugural addresses and a fact file.
James Madison
Short biography from the official White House site.
James Madison
Fact sheet and links to his inaugural addresses.
Madison, James
Article from Encarta Encyclopedia provides an overview of Madison's life.
Montpelier: The Home of James Madison
Virginia residence where Madison spent much of his life. Includes a look at the home's history and landscaping.
New Book of Knowledge: James Madison
An encyclopedic biography written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and inaugural addresses.
POTUS -- James Madison
Includes portrait, a short list of biographical facts, and related links.
The American President: James Madison
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.