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Speeches and Writings
A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virgi, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, An Act Establishing the University, Declaration of Independence -- Draft, First Inaugural Address, Second Inaugural Address, The Avalon Project : Thomas Jefferson Papers, The Jefferson Bible, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson - Autobiography
American Presidents: Thomas Jefferson
A collection of facts and trivia about Jefferson's life.
Encyclopedia Americana: Thomas Jefferson
A detailed biography written for students by Dumas Malone, Author of Jefferson and His Time. Includes Jefferson's first inaugural address and a fact file.
Frontline: Jefferson's Blood
Recounts the history of the Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings relationship and its modern-day repercussions for the late president's descendants, both black and white.
Jefferson, Thomas
Article from Encarta Encyclopedia provides an overview of Jefferson's life. Includes pictures.
Jefferson, Thomas
A vast departure from the typical biography of Thomas Jefferson, this site introduces visitors to his contributions as an architect.
Jefferson's home in Charlottesville. Site includes information about the house, plantation and grounds, as well as the man himself.
New Book of Knowledge: Thomas Jefferson
An encyclopedic biography written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and inaugural addresses.
POTUS -- Thomas Jefferson
Includes portrait, a short list of biographical facts, and related links.
The American President: Thomas Jefferson
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch from PBS. Also includes lesson plans.
Thomas Jefferson
Biographical sketch summarizes Jefferson's accomplishments.
Thomas Jefferson
Short biography from the official White House site.
Thomas Jefferson Online
PBS site explores the storied and controversial life of Thomas Jefferson through photo essays, background information, and classroom activities.
USA: Biography of Thomas Jefferson
A three-part overview of Jefferson's political career.