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Speeches and Writings
Andrew Jackson's Case for the Removal of Indi, Andrew Jackson: First Inaugural Address, Andrew Jackson: Second Inaugural Address
American Presidents: Andrew Jackson
A collection of facts and trivia about Jackson's life.
Andrew Jackson
Short biography from the official White House web site.
Andrew Jackson
Biographical sketch includes information on Jackson's role in the War of 1812, as a congressman, a U.S. senator, a judge on the Tennessee Supreme Court, and as president.
Andrew Jackson: Champion of the Kingly Commons
An in-depth look at both the myths of this commoner-turned-president and the man himself. Examines Jackson's role in society, his public image, his words, and the way in which he has been remembered.
Encyclopedia Americana: Andrew Jackson
A detailed biography written for students. Includes Jackson's inaugural addresses and a fact file.
New Book of Knowledge: Andrew Jackson
An encyclopedic biography written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and inaugural address.
POTUS: Andrew Jackson
Background information, election results, cabinet members, and links.
The American President: Andrew Jackson
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.
The Hermitage: Home of President Andrew Jackson
Information about Jackson's home near Nashville, Tennessee, and about visiting there.
USA: A Biography of Andrew Jackson
Comprehensive scholarly biography also includes essays about Jackson, his inaugural addresses, and his state of the union speeches.