Bill Clinton: First Inaugural Address
Complete text of speech delivered Wednesday, January 21, 1993. Includes background information.
Bill Clinton: Second Inaugural Address
Complete text of speech delivered January 20, 1997. Includes background information.
Clinton's Last Days
Photographs and simple text describe Clinton's last week in office. From Time magazine.
Encyclopedia Americana: Bill Clinton
Scholarly biography written for older students includes inaugural addresses and a fact file.
New Book of Knowledge: Bill Clinton
An encyclopedic biography written for 3-8 grade students. Includes fact file and inaugural addresses.
POTUS: William Jefferson Clinton
Includes portrait, biographical facts, cabinet details, and related links.
President Clinton
Biography from President Clinton's official White House website while in office.
The American President: Bill Clinton
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
William J. Clinton
Short biography from the official White House site.