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Comprehending Geological Time
An interactive tool to calculate time periods and human history in terms of different measurement scales such as a meter, a day or a million years.
Dr. Bob's Geologic Time Page
Basic information about the geologic time scale and mnemonics to help remember the various periods and epochs.
Earth Floor: Geologic Time
Explains how the age of the earth is divided up into periods of time, and provides simple definitions and illustrations of the different names.
Geological Time Line
A simple chart provides links to further details of each era, and an interactive feature allows users to see global shifts and milestones.
Life Through Geologic Time
A pictorial history of life on Earth, with events and fossils linked from the relevant period or epoch.
Presents the life forms and conditions of the Paleozoic Era through images, short animations, and interactive 3-D reconstructions.
Web Geological Time Machine
A simple table of the different time periods contains links to details of the rocks, fossils and locations of each one.